Internet World

April 25, 2002 by  
Filed under Geek Get-Togethers

I went to my first Internet World convention today. I just thought it looked like a mini-Comdex. I did miss Comdex last November, so this is making it up.

Some of the big companies that were there were, AOL, VeriSign, Sprint, and Compaq. These were the companies with the best free stuff by the way. :) T-shirts, frizbees, beautiful pens, mugs, etc., you name it.

There were two companies there with very impressive products, to me at least. One was called Visual Communicator, a movie rendering software that renders on the fly with an easy point and click. Newscaster-type backgrounds are provided to give the look and feel of professional movies. A video camera is set up to record you while you read the words on the screen. On the side of the screen, there are ‘events’ that can trigger special effects or transition to another picture. The product looks very easy to use, that even amatures can create professional looking videos. The software was sold for $99 for the regular version, and $149 for the version with the professional backgrounds. The software will not reach the stores til May of 2002.

Another application software that I really liked was a content management system made by Stellent Inc. It simplifies the workflow between the site developer and the content builders. Content builders can put their content in any desktop application (Word, Frontpage, notepad, etc) and application will except the file and display it in a template. The output of the site could be in XML, HTML, WML, cHTML, and PDF. Logging into the system will also allow you to edit the specific pages right on the spot.

Here is a quote from the site:

Stellent Content Management enables you to rapidly deploy business Web sites, and to automate the content contribution, editing, and management processes for these sites. Stellent automatically converts business and Web content from enterprise sources — including desktop applications, business applications, and templates — to Web-ready formats, such as XML, HTML, WML, cHTML, and PDF.

I think a software like this would be great for anyone trying to maintain large corporate-type sites. If you like, you may sign up for a free seminar for a live demo of this product.

Overall, I think Internet World was wonderful. It was somewhat small, but this only makes me anticipate Comdex a lot more. Five more months til Comdex!

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