Random Splash Pages

April 26, 2002 by  
Filed under Code Snippets, PHP

I was looking through my email and found this email from Grace:

Hi Daynah! It’s me, Grace. I would like to ask a question if you don’t mind -_-; Sorry if I am bothering you. I would like to ask if how can I make random splash pages with php? Or do you know any scripts I could download for
that? Thank you so much. And hope you are having a great week =)

Here is a piece of code that Albert (my boyfriend) wrote. It creates an array of random images to use. It’s pretty simple to modify if you want to create random splash pages. If you have comments/questions, please leave them below.


// Function name: randomimage($showimage)
// Purpose: Create an array with random data for an image
// Use: Please link http://php-princess.net/
function randomimage($showimage)

    $bgimages = array('images/splash1.jpg','images/splash2.jpg',

    $bgtext = array ('Picture of Splash 1','Picture of Splash 2',
                     'Picture of Splash 3','Picture of Splash 4',
                     'Picture of Splash 1', 'Picture of Splash 2', 
                     'Picture of Splash 3', 'Picture of Splash 4');

    $bgmax = count($bgimages)-1;

    // Check if viewing additional image option is 
    // set / look for non-integer value passing
    if ((!isset($showimage)) || (!ereg ("^[0-9]{1,2}$", $showimage)))

        srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);

        $rand_keys = array_rand ($bgimages, 2);

        // obtain random image from array
        $bgimage = $bgimages[$rand_keys[0]];
        $bgalt   = $bgtext[$rand_keys[0]];
        $bgkey   = $rand_keys[0];

    return array($bgimage,$bgalt,$bgkey);

// Creates a list of the variables with random image 
list($bgimage,$bgalt,$bgkey) = randomimage($showimage);

// Put printout into variable $mainbody
$mainbody = ''.$bgalt.'';

// Print out $mainbody
print "$mainbody";


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