Comdex 2002

November 25, 2002 by  
Filed under Geek Get-Togethers

Comdex this year wasn’t what a lot of people expected. As for me, I knew the economy was down, and that a lot of companies closed down along with it, so I didn’t expect too much from Comdex. That way, I was able to see the brighter side of the whole event. The convention took place on Nov. 16 – 22 of this year. We decided to go to Las Vegas on the 21st and 22nd. Comdex was reduced from 3 different convention centers to half of one this year. I remember going to it 2 years ago, and you had to take busses to see all the other booths.

Among the spectacular booths were Nokia, Samsung, and Microsoft, at least in my opinion. Those were the three that really stood out. Nokia has many interactive things for the guests. A small golf course, all digitally wired for the guests to win gifts. Each of the holes had sensors, which are sent to a digital device, and then transfered to a server to display on a monitor. Now that’s technology! Samsung had a wonderful display of flat screen monitors around their booth. And well, Mircosoft took up most of the main floor. ;) They had a two-story lab, presentations, and other booths about their new .NET products.

And the lastest technological trend that I saw there were tablets and flat screen monitors! Almost every booth had them.

We spent about two days walking to all the booths, and also going to two of the Mircosoft TechNet presentations. One was about ISA Servers and the other was about BackOffice Small Business Server. I learned a lot. ;)

I also finally bought 3D Album, a product I’m always looking at the computer show. So I finally bought it. I was disappointed that they ran out of boxes for the software, and the man said if I bought it, he’ll mail me the box. Sounds fair. So I did, and the box also arrived later in a few days. Wow.

After Comdex, we hit up all the buffets. We’re not really gamblers, so what better way to spend the weekend in Las vegas but eat? :)

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