Flash Forward 2005 Conference

February 28, 2005 by  
Filed under Flashy, Geek Get-Togethers, Tech News

Flash Developers may interested in the Flash Forward 2005 conference. It sounds exciting, but a bit expensive.

The Herbst Theater, San Francisco, April 6-8
The World’s Premier Flash Event
Just $599 through March 4th.
Additional $50 Macromedia User Group discount.

The 13th Flashforward conference and Flash(R) Film Festival, the largest and longest running Flash user conference in the world, shares the latest in design, development, education and inspiration.

Flashforward 2005 features:
+ 4 in-depth Flash workshops, 25 one-hour seminars, 20 Q&A sessions, 17 “Ask the Experts” sessions, and 11 Technology Showcase seminars
+ Flash® Film Festival, Macromedia Keynote, exhibition area, Meet the Speakers and Flash Authors Reception, networking reception and exclusive conference workbook with speaker notes

Oh yes, I noticed that they use WordPress too. :)

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  • http://blog.flashforwardconference.com Christoph

    Yes we do use WordPress… what else? :-)

    There are excellent student discounts by the way, and volunteers get in free…

    This year in particular we have a lot of non-Flash-specific speakers like Lawrence Lessig, Stefan Sagmeister and Matthew Carter… it’s as much a digital culture event as a Flash event. Come check it out!

    BTW does this count as comment spam? ;-)

  • http://blog.flashforwardconference.com Christoph

    Yes we do use WordPress… what else? :-)

    There are excellent student discounts by the way, and volunteers get in free…

    This year in particular we have a lot of non-Flash-specific speakers like Lawrence Lessig, Stefan Sagmeister and Matthew Carter… it’s as much a digital culture event as a Flash event. Come check it out!

    BTW does this count as comment spam? ;-)