Microsoft Excel Formatting and Time Saving Tricks

March 28, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

I was helping out my co-worker with an “Introduction to Excel” class today. My job was to walk around and make sure no one is lost. But while I was in the class, I did learn a few new things. Let me share with you some nifty tips I got from the class.

Autofill of Days
This trick just made me smile. I’m not much of an Excel user, so this really amused me. First, type in the word Monday in a cell like in this image:

Now on the lower corner of that cell, left click, and drag the cursor down.

This will then display the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. in the next cells.

Nifty huh?

Another trick, if you go in a cell and press Shift+:. This will put the date in the cell. And if you press the three keys Shift+Alt+:, it’ll display the time. ;) So you learn something new everyday. ;) Have fun playing with Excel!

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  • Adam

    You can customize those lists. You can do months, regular numbers, certain patterns, formulae, dates, pretty much anything. It’s pretty nifty–I use Excel quite a bit when doing repetitive web programming tasks (like SQL insert commands, etc).

  • Adam

    You can customize those lists. You can do months, regular numbers, certain patterns, formulae, dates, pretty much anything. It’s pretty nifty–I use Excel quite a bit when doing repetitive web programming tasks (like SQL insert commands, etc).

  • Root

    This is all very spiffy – really nice work. I am happy to say that the MS inhouse Excel gurus use one of my templates for their blog. If you get stuck I am sure they would be happy to assist. Best wishes. Root. :)

  • Root

    This is all very spiffy – really nice work. I am happy to say that the MS inhouse Excel gurus use one of my templates for their blog. If you get stuck I am sure they would be happy to assist. Best wishes. Root. :)