XMLHttpRequest and AJAX for PHP programmers

June 6, 2005 by  
Filed under Links and Resources, Tips and Tutorials

Ajax Map

Here’s a great article called XMLHttpRequest and AJAX for PHP programmers. PHP and Javascript finally joined together, thanks to XML. ;)

Article by James Kassemi from PhpBuilders.com

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  • http://www.havenshade.com Wulf

    JSON is another nice model for javascript xhtml.

    I find it preferable to ajax because it doesn’t have the bulk and verbosity of xml. Thus, the overhead is lower for sending, parsing, and debugging the messages.

    In addition, the transaction is actually valid javascript code, which can be evaluated by the client into javascript arrays and objects without the necessity of additional parsing algorithms.

  • http://www.havenshade.com Wulf

    JSON is another nice model for javascript xhtml.

    I find it preferable to ajax because it doesn’t have the bulk and verbosity of xml. Thus, the overhead is lower for sending, parsing, and debugging the messages.

    In addition, the transaction is actually valid javascript code, which can be evaluated by the client into javascript arrays and objects without the necessity of additional parsing algorithms.