WiiPress, the WordPress Wii Edition

February 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Wordpress

This is an interesting WordPress Plugin. It’s called the WiiPress! It’s great for those of us who like to surf on their Wii Browser (Opera) as well as their computers. ;)

About The WordPress Wii Edition Plugin:
The WordPress Wii Edition Plugin is a plugin that automatically renders an optimized version of your blog when visitors come to your blog on a Nintendo Wii running the Opera browser. Wii’s are automatically detected, there is no configuration needed. The theme used by the plugin is based on the colors of the Wii interface and uses the “Wii” font at sizes that provide for easy reading on TV screens. This plugin was inspired by Alex King’s Mobile Plugin.

Why is this plugin useful?
Webpages on the Wii are hard to view on default zoom and on many pages (designed wider then 800 pixels) you will have to scroll from side to side. In addition, font sizes that work on a computer screen don’t render well on a TV screen. As such we put together this plugin to make our favorite blogs a bit easier to read.

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