Turn Your Phone into a Scanner with UpCode!
April 2, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Gadgets and Accessories
I just saw this new technology on the news called “UpCode.” Basically, it’s a UPC code or barcode that’s read by a phone. You take a photo of the code. The the camera scans it. Then, this brings the content to the phone. The content can be anything from music videos, games, business cards, and more. To the right is a Upcode to download a music video.
UpCodeâ„¢ includes an optical reader that uses mobile phones/devices to add any electronic information or system to printed products and to electronic information on screens. With the application it is possible to integrate all businesses and all forms of eCommerce, with print and screen media. The code (2D data matrix, QR-code, 1D barcode or color code) or other type of tag (picture, OCR) gives mobile phone users multiple access and interaction, for an example but not only to internet content simply by pointing their phone at a code. Complete integration of localization, personalization, objects and other data.
Source: UpCodeUSA
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