Create Surveys using Google Docs

I just learned how to create simple forms in Google Docs & Spreadsheets today.

First, go here to create you own Survey form. Start typing in the title, description, and adding your questions. This step is very intuitive and easy to use. Creating forms have never been this fun!

Next, click on “Next, choose recipients.” You can send the survey to specific people using the “Invite People” box. Or you can put the “Go to live form” link on your website.

If you want to take my very uncreative survey, go here.

Here is what my survey looks like:

All responses will go into a spreadsheet for me to read and analyze. Pretty easy!

Update: Shellie has a great survey about women and technology if you’d like to take it.

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  • brian mcnitt

    didn’t know google had surveys. will definitely use this. thanks for the writeup.

  • brian mcnitt

    didn’t know google had surveys. will definitely use this. thanks for the writeup.

  • daynah

    Yea, you can write simple forms and capture that data very easily!

  • daynah

    Yea, you can write simple forms and capture that data very easily!

  • Colin Devroe

    I have yet to take advantage of this new system myself – but I have seen others put it to good use and I’m really happy that they’ve made the forms addition to Google Docs.

    Nice tutorial on how to create surveys.

  • Colin Devroe

    I have yet to take advantage of this new system myself – but I have seen others put it to good use and I’m really happy that they’ve made the forms addition to Google Docs.

    Nice tutorial on how to create surveys.

  • christine matsunaga

    thank you for this! It was so helpful!

  • christine matsunaga

    thank you for this! It was so helpful!