Qik Follow Feature

May 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Daily Ramblings

I’ve been using Qik on my Nokia N95 for two weeks now, and I throughly enjoy this software.

The support team is very fast at responding to problems and questions. And as if being able to stream your life isn’t amazing enough, watching others stream theirs is incredible. I’ve been able to attend Google Campfire One with Robert Scoble and Michael Arrington virtually. It’s pretty neat to see two different camera angles of the same event too. I felt like I was there.

Qik has been working on a few new features. The one I really love is the ability to follow people! It’s a great feature, especially since I love going to these geek meetings virtually, or see when my friends are online and streaming. That’s my friend, Bhaskar. ;) (Say hi Bhaskar!)

Here is everyone I follow so far. But I have no followers. If you would like to add me, I’m at qik.com/daynah

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