Google Lively

July 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Games

I’m testing/playing with Google Lively now. It’s fun! Basically it’s a virtual world where you log in with your Google account and chat with people. You can go around exploring different rooms, change your avatar, wardrobe. It’s similar to Second Life, but runs all through a browser. Pretty amazing. Here are some screen shots. Yes I know, I look a little diva-ish! I’ll have to figure out how to customize my character a little more.

Currently, I’m in a computer lab… with no computers. I’m sure they’ll add in more props later! Until then, I’m going to explore this virtual school.

15 minutes later..

Okie, bought some accessories and new clothes for my avatar. How’s this.. I’m wearing an “I love Nerds” shirt. ;)

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  • Mike Avila

    Looks like fun! 2nd Life always seemed like too much bother… @@

  • Mike Avila

    Looks like fun! 2nd Life always seemed like too much bother… @@

  • Mike Avila

    I created… mikeymikez1ATgmailDOTcom

  • Mike Avila

    I created… mikeymikez1ATgmailDOTcom

  • Pim Peccable

    It looks more than IMVU than SL. I’m very active in SL and what make it fun is the ability to create new content for that virtual world. It’s MUCH more than wandering and chatting.
    You could wander and chat with Mozaic and IRC (in 2d).
    I like to throw in Office, Photoshop, and Poser (to stretch the analogy).

  • Pim Peccable

    It looks more than IMVU than SL. I’m very active in SL and what make it fun is the ability to create new content for that virtual world. It’s MUCH more than wandering and chatting.
    You could wander and chat with Mozaic and IRC (in 2d).
    I like to throw in Office, Photoshop, and Poser (to stretch the analogy).