Libraries after an Earthquake
July 29, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Social Networking
A surprising thing happened at work today. We were hit by a semi-big earthquake earlier in the morning. I know I should be use to earthquakes by now, but this one was hard and kept rolling! It must have been the longest 20 seconds of my life.
But not to worry. The SERVERS are all alright! ;)
My first reaction was to duck and cover under my desk. When the rolling stopped, I tweeted. Yes I know. How geeky huh? Hey, twitter gets you the news as it happens! I was a quite shaken up. I then noticed a flood of tweets about the earthquake, one being iJustine, who just happened to be in LA, and feeling an earthquake for the very first time. Us Californians really know how to welcome someone!
Over 900 books fell off the shelves. And of course, they can’t just be shoved back on. The Stacks Unit will be sorting them and then reshelving them this week. That’s a lot of work for them! Sorry I can’t really help. I’m just the IT gal!
The wonders of how news can spread so quickly just amazes me. I’m very happy that Twitter and the Twitter community was there for us to share our little earthquake experience.
My video made it to a few places:
-Press Enterprise
-Viddler Spotlight
-Connic Crosby’s Blog
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