New Facebook Design

March 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Social Networking, Tech News

New Facebook Design

Facebook changed their design again and I really like it. The main focal point is now the status update, which does remind me of Twitter. I believe this new change will help create more conversations though. Having the groups on the left is very nice. Now I can separate status updates by groups which is one thing that twitter is missing.

There’s a lot of data on the right side that it seems a bit cluttered. But it doesn’t bother me too much. I like to glance at it to see what’s new. I would prefer the “pokes” to be moved up though. They seem lost being so far at the bottom.

So I’ve played with Facebook user profiles, events, and groups. But I haven’t played with the Facebook pages option yet. So I decided to create a Fan page to test it out. It’s close to a user profile except it’s missing a lot of options like adding other apps/boxes. I can’t seem to find the “add a link” option anymore either. I do like the
Discussions option! It’s a great place if you want to ask me tech questions and such. And this social network seems to be more manageable than a Ning website. So if you’d like to interact with me, please add me here on facebook. Thanks!

Facebook Fan Page

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  • Randomguru

    a lot of people have been complaining about the new facebook interface. but like you, i like the new design. to me it seems more organized and twitter-like (which is good). and i too like the left-hand colum where you can filter your different friends groups and networks, etc…

  • randomguru

    a lot of people have been complaining about the new facebook interface. but like you, i like the new design. to me it seems more organized and twitter-like (which is good). and i too like the left-hand colum where you can filter your different friends groups and networks, etc…

  • daynah

    Just an update, I figured out how to add more apps to the ‘pages.’

    1) In editing mode, go to the last box that says “more applications.”

    2) Click on pencil and then “Browse More.”

    3) On the right side, click on “By Facebook.”

    4) Find the app you want to add, and click on it. Note, most 3rd party apps cannot be added to “pages” but they can be added to your main Facebook Profile.

    4) Click on the button that says “Add to Page.”

  • daynah

    Just an update, I figured out how to add more apps to the ‘pages.’

    1) In editing mode, go to the last box that says “more applications.”

    2) Click on pencil and then “Browse More.”

    3) On the right side, click on “By Facebook.”

    4) Find the app you want to add, and click on it. Note, most 3rd party apps cannot be added to “pages” but they can be added to your main Facebook Profile.

    4) Click on the button that says “Add to Page.”