How To Display 11+ Pages of iPhone Apps

August 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Apple, Tips and Tutorials

iPhone - 12 Pages of AppsIn the latest iPhone OS upgrade, we were allowed to have up to 11 viewable pages of apps. But if you look in the image to the right, you will see that there are 12 pages!

So how did I do that? This was a trick I discovered while moving around my icons. First, you have to be an app-aholic and have 11 pages of iPhone apps (and more hidden ones since they can’t be displayed). Then move some of the default apps you do not use like “Weather,” “Stocks,” “YouTube,” “Audio Memo,” etc. to the last page.

Now take one icon from the 10th page and drag it over to the 11th page. This will force the last icon to be booted off the page and into the iPhone abyss!

Now download another app to replace that empty space. And magically, a 12th page will be created with all the apps you weren’t able to view on it. I repeated the same steps and was able to make a 13th page.

It’s a nice trick, especially if you’re an iPhone app addict like me. There never seems to be enough pages! I think forcing a default icon off the pages will bring it back on an extra page, but I’m not quite sure. I was able to create the extra pages a few times, and after much testing, I was unable to duplicate it the 5th time. If you see a logical pattern or explanation on how to do this, please let me know. I can’t seem to bring back the 13th page, and would like to. ;) Also note, this is not a jailbroken iPhone.

UPDATE 11/22/2009: Additional note, this was tested on iPhone OS 3.0. However, it has been working in the updated versions of iPhone OS as well. I’ve stopped creating extra pages because the moment I sync with iTunes, only 11 pages will be displayed.

As mentioned by Jeff K. below in the comments, moving the “Voice Memo” icon seems to be the trick to creating an extra page.

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  • k1mb3rly

    bookmarked for me to try this when I get home! Yay – more room :)

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  • robsammons

    I cant get his working at all is it 3.0.1 only ?

  • Daynah

    Technically, it's not more room.. it's just more clutter if you can get it to work. :)

  • Daynah

    What version if iPhone OS are you running?

    As I mentioned, I'm not sure how or why it's working for me. I can't seem to duplicate this to create a 13th page anymore, so I'm hoping the iPhone community can help me confirm the actual steps/situation. :)

  • Pingback: Display 11 Pages of Apps | ChenZen

  • robsammons

    ive tried with weather, compass, itunes issue is need to install one app to cover the space that app made.

    im on 3.0 not 3.0.1 ?

  • Michael Lumb

    I have been unable to duplicate. I am on OS 3.01. Can't get a 12th page at all.

  • Daynah

    Instead of downloading a new app, could you try updating an app (if you have any that needs updating) also?

  • nick48

    This is great news.. However I am very intrested in the 96 notifications you have for facebook app. 1) thats alot 2) how do you get those notifications? Are they in the background or is that just an update after you open then exit the app???

  • Terry

    The facebook notifications just indicate that she doesn't check her group invites and event invites and stuff. If don't action them, they eventually build up that way. They are not in the background – just from exiting the app.

  • Daynah

    Yes, what Terry said! :)

    I get hit with Facebook notifications from email, Facebook inbox, and the Facebook App. I do read my FB emails and FB inbox, but the number seems to only clear when I read the message on app itself, so it builds up even though I've read them elsewhere. I think they need to make a few updates to their iPhone app. :)

  • christyxcore

    If it's not jailbroken, then why is Qik on the screen? Last I checked, I thought Qik was a jailbroken app only, unless it's a beta for an upcoming App Store version?

  • garylapointe

    I've got an iPhone 3gs (3.0 not jailbroken) and I sadly can't get it to duplicate :(

    Now I've got a bunch of missing apps….

  • Daynah

    I've been a beta-tester for Qik for some time now, using various phones. Installed is an ad-hoc version for the iPhone.

  • Daynah

    Aww, by missing apps, do you mean they are not on the pages? Try re-syncing with your computer to bring them back.

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  • garylapointe

    It fell off into page 12 which I can't get to. I can search for the apps and run them :)


  • Will

    girl just make it easier on your self and jailbreak you phone. You can download a tweak called spotbrite in cydia that will allow you to search for hidden apps that dont fit on your springboard. Also this is an app called categories which will let you be able to hide your app icons and place them in folders like games, social networking ect. Which you can place all of these folders on your first and only page on the iphone. Much simpiler.. Congrats to the find on the hacked 12 pg.

    P.S. I read about your find on which is a great resource on the jailbreaking community.

  • lbaker81

    couldnt get it working…

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  • RickysiPhone

    It was EASY! Thanks for the tip daynah! Here's my pic.

  • Daynah

    Nice! Now we can be app-aholics together. :)

  • Pingback: 11+ SpringBoard Pages on the Homescreen » iPhonePulse

  • Jeff Kawa

    I got it to work, took a lot of persistence. What I ended up doing was rebooting allot. I had a bunch of overflow of apps already. I moved the main ones like Daynah suggested (voice memos, weather, youtube, stocks to the last page (11). Moved some icons over from other pages to my main page, rebooted. Rebooting will fill in empty spaces with the apps in the overflow area. Once I had everything filled in, I would go from page to page to make sure all my iphone built in apps were on the last page (11). They seems to move around with each reboot. Then I was able to do the daynah trick, move app from page10 to 11. Download new app. Wait it should of worked, let me try rebooting again. Voila, had this new page with only a few apps on it. so I moved the ones off my home page to my new page rebooted again and my home screen looked normal again with youtube, stocks blah blah blah all in the same place I had them prior to messing around. Strange how those built-in apps always find their way home! I will try getting a 13th page to work and document my step by steps better.

  • Pingback: How to get more then 11 Home screens on iPhone 3.0 « Prankster163 – Tips, Tricks, and reviews.

  • Jeff Kawa

    Ok was able to go to 13. This is what I did.

    With all pages full of icons/apps, moved “voice memo” to the last page and the last position (bottom right hand corner). Downloaded an app to take it's position. Move app/icon from second to last page to last page. (ie from 10 to 11 or 11 to 12 in my case) This should move voice app to overflow. Downloaded another app and once it was installed I had a 13th page.

  • Daynah

    Thank you for testing this out and writing out the steps!

  • Jeff Kawa

    no prob, has anyone verified them?

  • Pingback: CELLULARI » Guida: come avere più di 11 pagine sull’iPhone

  • projeffa

    ok, as an app-addict with no intention to limit my application amount, I had to find a way to increase my pages.
    Then I came on this site and followed the instructions written here, but it took me a lot of attempts to get above the 11 pages.
    I even thought that my iPhone wasn't suitable for creating new pages..
    After a lot of attempts, I found out how to create new pages by, I think, a 100%.
    Now, I even have 23 pages !!
    I have so much pages, that the circles at the bottom of my screen that are pointing which page you are, are full at my screen (20 circles).
    That's why my circles go further outside the screen, but all the pages are still like normal.

    THERE IS NO MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PAGES FOR THE IPHONE! (because the circles that are pointing what page you are, are also increasing outside the screen)

    I don't write blogs, that's why I am posting this in a comment to this blog.
    My manual:
    1. Make sure that the page before your last page is completely filled.
    2. Add at least 8 standard apps into the right bottom corner of your last page, then add another app on the same place, so the last standard app is also outside the screen. (it doesn't matter if you use the app or not, because it always returns on a existing page).
    3. Turn off your iPhone, then turn it back on.

    Addon to the manuals:
    1. No need to download other applications
    2. Sometimes you don't even have to reboot
    3. I don't have a jailbreaked iPhone

  • Daynah

    Your comment just encouraged me to create more pages. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing because I have 18 pages now. :) I wish the extra page would get added onto the end instead of page 2. It really makes organizing a little bit hard.

  • Mike

    Can someone who can get it to work make a video for youtube? I have been trying the past 90 minutes, unless I am doing something extremely wrong I can't get it to work.

  • Caribou

    No luck on my 3GS with any of the suggestions listed.

  • Peter Woerner

    Tried projeffa's method above and after a few tries, got the twelve screens. My apps, however, appeared to be bricked. The default iphone apps would work, but nothing else. After a few reboots with no success, I connected with I tunes and re-synced. Back to 11 screens. Not happy

  • dennisbrantelli

    After reading the comments below, it appears people are getting the extra pages by accident. There is NO LIMIT to the number of pages you can add to your iphone, however, you must move the standard “voice memo” app to the last page in polition 16 bottom right corner. NO other standard apps on the first page will work (it MUST be the “voice memo” app). This is the ONLY standard app from the first page that you need to move. You don't need 2, 3 or more of them on the last page.

    Also, the best way to push the “voice memo” app off the last page is as follows: Drag an app from page 10 while keeping your finger on the app. Position the app you're dragging over the “voice memo” app on page 11 located in position 16 and slowly drag the app to the left of position 15 app and the “voice memo” app will be pushed off page 11 to the overflow area.

  • projeffa

    I just wanted to say that my pages are now at an amount of 35 :D

  • gta1172

    What firmware do you need to have?

  • Mike

    I had no luck with this trick. But a new app from Cydia “Overboard” will not only give you all your apps on 1 screen, similar to Orbit, but it will let you overflow your apps beyond 11. Of course it is only for jailbroken phones, so if yours isn't, this app should convince you.

  • John

    Does this work for itouch too?

  • staceyabshire

    Just did! Works like a charm! Thanks!

  • staceyabshire

    Just did! Works like a charm! Thanks!

  • Xilo27

    After lots of testing, I've found exactly what you need to do (and don't need to do).
    1.Completely fill up the first page, and have enough apps to get to the eleventh page. You do not need to completely fill up every page.

    2.Fill up the eleventh page, with the last app on the eleventh page being the Voice Memos app. I've tested the App Store, Settings, and Stocks apps, and none of them worked.

    3.Move another app from a different page (But don't take one from the first page or take one from any page that only has one app) on to the eleventh page. This will move the Voice Memos app off the last page.

    4.After you do this ONLY PRESS THE HOME BUTTON ONCE to make it so you are no longer moving apps. If you press the home button again to get back the the first screen, sometimes the Voice Memos app will appear and go the the nearest open spot, and then you have to start all over again. It is okay, however, to press it if you are in an app and want to exit, just only press it once.

    5.You can do one of two things to add your new page:
    A: Power off the iPod by holding down the power button, and sliding to power off. Then, turn back on your iPod,and wait for it to boot up.
    B: Download any app, then wait until it is finished downloading. The next step will not happen until it is completely done downloading.

    6.On the first page, the Voice Memos app should be where the last app on that page originally was. If you go to your second page, it should only have one app, this app being the one that was forced off the first page by the Voice Memos app. This second page is your new page. If you look at your third page, it is your old second page. What basically happened is that a new page was forced in between your first and second page.

    7. You may now press the home button as many times as you want

    8. You can repeat this process with your last page as many times as you want, until you have the desired number of pages

    *It is okay to sync your iPod to the computer. There is one problem that you may run in to, though. If you click on your iPod info, then click on applications, you will only see your first eleven pages on the thing on the side. DO NOT USE THIS TO ARRANGE YOUR APPS. If you move any apps with this, when you sync your iPod or press “Apply”, all your extra pages will go away and all the apps on them will fill up any empty space that you have. Any extra apps will not be deleted, but the only way to access them is by using the search feature, or creating extra screens for them to fill up.

    *As far as I can see, there is no limit to pages. Once you get twenty pages, though, the little bubbles that represent each page at the bottom of your screen will start going off the edge. You can still get to all your pages, you just cant see their circle thing representing them.