Cali Lewis on Verizon Commercial

October 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Geek Fun & Humor, Multimedia


Screenshot from Verizon’s “There’s a Map for That” commercial

I was watching TV last night and the “There’s a Map for that” Verizon Commercial (also embedded below) came on. As the girl checks her tweets… I noticed the familiar avatar. That’s Cali Lewis from! Yes I notice geeky little details like this. I just thought it was awesome. ;)

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  • Bryan

    That's such an awesome find. I can't believe that you were able to see that?

  • Daynah

    haha.. I caught it on first glance too. I rarely watch TV, but when I see things like this, it just makes me smile! Geeks rule. ;)

  • Bryan

    That's such an awesome find. I can't believe that you were able to see that?

  • Daynah

    haha.. I caught it on first glance too. I rarely watch TV, but when I see things like this, it just makes me smile! Geeks rule. ;)