Twitter Lists

October 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Links and Resources, Tips and Tutorials

TwitterI’m really enjoying Twitter Lists. I know there are a few services out there that do this already, but I like to keep my lists in one place on Twitter.

Twitter Lists are currently in beta, and have been released to a few testers. Note: Some links in this post may only work if you have lists added to your account.

Twitter Lists help you organize and discover new people with similar interests. And since list are created by real users, I’m sure you will find quality twitter accounts to follow.

Some Twitter Lists features include:

  1. Ability to create up to 20 different lists of Twitter people
  2. Ability to add people to lists, but not necessary follow them
  3. Ability to follow other people’s lists

Useful Links:

  1. Lists that I created and follow
  2. lists that I’m a member of

Note: These links only work if you have Lists enabled in your Twitter account.

Screenshots of Twitter Lists

Here is a screenshot of my account with Twitter lists. You know lists are working on your account when you see that big box on top asking you to create lists.


If you go to a friend’s Twitter page (Hi Leo!), you can see some new features. You can add your friend to multiple lists. You can also see the public lists they’ve created. And as I found out, there’s a maximum of 20 lists per person.


This is a screenshot of my followers. I’m able to add people I’m not necessarily following onto my lists.


And here is a screenshot of the lists that I am a member of:
Twitter Lists Membership

For more information, see Twitter’s blog entry about Lists

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  • martani_net

    pretty awesome, just got lists activated for me :)

  • martani_net

    pretty awesome, just got lists activated for me :)