Top Bargain iPhone and iPad Apps for August!

August 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Freebies, Games, Reviews

Need some new apps for your iPhone and iPad? Here are some free and bargain apps you need to know about!

James Cameron’s Avatar for iPad – Enter the beautiful, yet dangerous world of Pandora. The game takes place two decades prior to the movie and you get to be the first experimental avatar. Experience your new powers in your new body as you and the Na’vi become one. The graphics are just amazing and is like watching the movie as you play. Definitely worth every penny. Once $9.99, this beautiful game is now only 99 cents, so get it before the sale is over. The iPhone/iPad version is not on sale, but there is a lite version you can try. The game is huge, so be sure you’re on wifi before downloading. iPad Version (99 cents) | iPhone/iPod Touch Version ($4.99) | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

Vevo – stream and watch full music videos right to your iPhone or iPod Touch! Also view videos of your favorite artists and conviently purchase the songs and videos from iTunes. You can also learn fun trivia about your favorite artists. It’s currently iTune’s pick for App of the Week and is the perfect app for for the music lovers. iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free)

GetGlue – checking into things is all the craze now. It’s been applied to geolocation, but here’s a new idea. Why not check into things, such as the show or movie you’re currently watching, or the song you’re listening to, or even what you’re thinking about? That’s GetGlue for you. Check into your favorite things and share them with your friends. You can leave reviews and comment on your friends check-ins as well. Connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts to easily find friends. Best of all, real earn stickers for checking in and leaving reviews. Once you earned a lot, send a request to have your stickers mailed to you. Pretty nifty! iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free)

RedLaser – Quickly scan barcodes to find out what the item is and the best place to purchase it. Search results return a list of stores/websites where you can purchase the items starting from the lowest price to highest. So find the best deal and shop away!
iPhone Version (Free)

FoodSpotting 2.0 – Foodies rejoice! If you love taking pictures of food, you’re not alone. Join the community of Foodies called FoodSpotting! Take photos of food, post your reviews, and share with your friends. This updated app makes it easy to upload and view yours and your friends’ activities. Check it out for yummy goodness! Feel free to add me as a friend on FoodSpotting and share food tips! iPhone Version (Free)

Magic Pictures HD – View amazingly beautiful photos scroll by as you interact with the scene. Images scroll either up and down or sideways depending on the photo. Use your fingers to interact with the particles (could be snowflakes on a winter scene or water droplets on an ocean scene) and move pieces around. Options include interacting with moving particles, listening to relaxing ambient sounds, and a digital clock. The collection currently includes 106 high resolution photos, taken by Tobias Tomsch. It’s a must-have for photography enthusiasts and makes the perfect digital frame. It’s specially priced now for just 99 cents! iPad Version Only (Free)

DailyBooth App – This app is great for you DailyBooth-ers out there. DailyBooth is a community of users who take random photos of themselves everyday. And friends can comment back with a photo (or text). It’s very similar to Twitter, except with photos! The interface still needs work, but it’s really nice for Version 1.0. Before the app, you would need to email your photo and it’ll appear on the website. Now with the app, simply select and upload. You can also see your recent replies and your friends latest activities and photos. It’s a must-have if you’re part of the DailyBooth community. iPhone Version (Free)

Discover — Wikipedia in a Magazine is a great app for browsing Wikipedia. Discover new and fun information everyday in a beautiful interface. Data is pulled from the Wikipedia website but is displayed in a fun interactive magazine. View in portrait-mode for a magazine-like experience, and landscape-mode for a more book-like experience. The app requires a data connection to work and saves your search and viewing history so you can get back to older articles. Definitely a fun app if you want to discover new and interesting things. iPad Version Only (Free)

City Story is a cute new game where you build your own city, adding shops, houses, parks, factories, and more! Make money by producing goods from the factories. Share you city with your friends by creating a free Storm8 account. It’s similar to games like We Rule and Sim City. The game is free and universal. The one thing I find lacking in this app is the social part. There’s a login system called Storm 8, and you can invite your friends on Facebook, but it’s not enough to tap into all the friends I have on other gaming systems. Universal (Free)

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