Hot iPhone and iPad Apps for 10-10-2010

October 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, Reviews

Here’s a list of hot bargain apps for the week of 10-10-2010! So what were you doing on 10/10/2010 10:10pm. I was busy gaming as you can see. ;)

Cut the Rope – If you haven’t downloaded this gem yet, do it now! Who doesn’t love physics games with something as adorable as a green pet that only eats candy? Candy dangles on a rope and you must cut it so that it falls right into the mouth of your cute pet. Lite version contains a lot of free levels, but I suggest getting the full version for even more! Game Center is available on both lite and full iPhone versions.
iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version (Free) | iPad Version ($1.99) | iPad Lite Version (Free)

Bejeweled 2 + Blitz – Your favorite match-3 game goes on sale! Pop Cap is celebrating their 10-Year anniversary so it’s on sale! Match gems to clear the row or column. Get powerups to blast a whole section. Game is over when no more moves are available.
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Bookworm – Hello there little bookworm. Why not sink your teeth into some big words? Link adjacent letters to form words for Lex the Bookworm to eat. The bigger the words, the more points you get. Watch for power-ups! Normally $2.99, it’s on sale for 99 cents this week for Pop Cap’s 10 year anniversary. Get it fast! iPhone Version (99 cents)

Super Mega Worm – Retro games are making their way back! And if this game wasn’t a classic before, it should be! Giant worm invades earth, whose main goal is to cleanse Earth of sinful humans. Yes it’s a bit on the violence side, but fun nevertheless. I must warn you, your thumbs will start to hurt as you rack up those points! Game Center is enabled on iOS 3.2 devices.
Universal Version (99 cents) | Universal Lite Version (Free)

Time Geeks: Find All! – a fun seek and find game in a colorful world of pixels. The artwork alone is alone is a great reason to purchase. You are timed for finding the given item. The faster you find it, the more starts you get for that task. Unlock achievements and mini-games along the way! Game Center is enabled for iOS 3.2 devices, so compete against your friends!
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Zappos – As if your weren’t addicted to shopping at already, they just made a gorgeous iPad app that let’s your browse through all of your future accessories! Select an item and swipe up and down to scroll though the different angles. It sure makes shopping a lot of fun! Tab through reviews, more details, and more info about the brand. Shop for shoes, clothing, bags, beauty products, as well as housewares. Great user interface and that’s both functional and easy to use! iPad Version (Free)

Sir Lovalot – You get to play the part of a knight in shiny armor, ready to rescue the princesses! Hop up the castle and rescue the girls and be sure to get a smooch before you jump back out of the window. Collect items along the way and see how high you can go! It’s like Doodle Jump with a twist! Literally! Tilt your device to twist the castle and hop on the different pedestals!
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Tilt To Live – Tilt the device to maneuver around the red dots. Pick out power ups along the way to blast those vicious red dots away. Be careful not to touch them, else the game is over. Very easy concept, but quite challenging to play. The iPad version is available for free, but to upgrade to full version is $3.99 (in-app purchase). iPhone version is available as well.
iPad Version (Free) | iPhone Version ($2.99)

Doodle Grub is an adorable game of snakes! You’re actually start out as a small worm. Eat the fresh green apples by tiling your device to grow even bigger. Avoid the poisonous apples as well as the spiny porcupines! Running into the porcupines will make you smaller. Very adorable graphics and various themes to choose from. Game center is enabled, and lots more updates to come! iPhone Version (Free)

0.03 Seconds – If you enjoy testing your reaction time, this one is a fun one. It measures your reaction time to the milliseconds and pixels! Think you got what tit takes? Take these tests and see! Free version has 8 stages, while pro version has 24.
iPhone Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents)

Despicable Me: Minion Mania – Enjoyed the movie? Now you can play with the cute minions right on your devices! Become one of the greatest supervillians by commanding Gru’s army of Minions through the top secret laboratory! Includes 20 stages. Originally $4.99, currently on sale for 99 cents for both iPhone and iPad versions.
iPhone Lite Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPad Version (99 cents)

Slice It! – Once you slice it, you can’t stop! Slice various shapes to get the same ratio or surface area. You’re given the number of slices to create, and the shape to create it from. Cut and slash and level up! Adorable graphics and animation. Try out the free version first to get 15 levels for free. iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version (Free)

Cro-Mag Rally – Play the wildest racing 3D game yet! You’ve seen it in all of the Apple commercials, now get it for yourself for this special sale price! Race those pre-historic vehicles. Universal app for both your iPhone and iPad. Normally $2.99, it’s on sale for 99 cents.
Universal Version (99 cents)

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