Halloween iPhone and iPad Apps!

October 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, Reviews

Happy Halloween to all you geeks, ghouls, and goblins! Here are special Halloween apps for you to be bobbin’! Pleasant dreams and have a safe night. But be careful out there and don’t let the vampires bite!

If you’re looking for more games to sink your teeth in, check out my hot list of Game Center-enabled apps!

Plants vs Zombies – You have to know what game this is! It’s only one of the most popular game to ever exist! The title of the game sounds scary, but it’s totally adorable and addictive — what a combo! Protect your house by planting various protective plants in front of it. Zombies charge across the lawn, hoping to get a meal or two — your brains! Some flowers create sunshine, while others just kill the zombies. Set your plants out strategically to slow down the zombies while collecting coins to purchase more plants! Both iPhone and iPad versions are on sale, up to 66% off this weekend. iPhone/iPod Touch Version (99 cents) | iPad Version ($4.99)

Alice in Wonderland – if you’re an Alice fan, this is a must. This adventure puzzle game was inspired by Tim Burton’s film. Help Alice get through various mazes, finding all of her looking-glass friends. Collect shards of mirror pieces and help her get back home. Normally $4.99, it’s only 99 cent this weekend.
iPhone/iPod Touch Version (99 cents) | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

Zombie Pizza – Zombies love to eat brains.. and pizza! Who knew? Zombie Pizza is a light-hearted horror puzzle game that is such a treat for this Halloween!
It combines my two favorite types of games into one — puzzle and time management game. It gets your brains racking.. and on pizzas! Add hearts, brains, and other disgusting body parts onto pizzas to feed zombies before they eat you!
iPhone/iPod Touch Version ($1.99) | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

Angry Birds Halloween – Just in time for Halloween! The new Angry Birds hits the app store and is well received! ‘Tis the season to be squishing pigs! 45 new spooktacular levels for you to play, filled with floating lanterns, pumpkins, and many more obstacles! Completely integrated with Game Center, so compete with your friends for the highest scores!
iPhone/iPod Touch Version (99 cents) | iPad Version ($1.99)

Crazy Pumpkin – This popular app is back again and better than before! It’s your very own digital Jack-o-Latern! Swipe his eyes, nose, and mouth to create your very own unique Jack-o-Latern! Shake your device to change the light’s colors and play a random creepy sound. Definitely fun at Halloween parties, or while trick-or-treating! Full version is free this weekend. I included the lite version in case the price goes up.
iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free) | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

Spooky Spirits: Puzzle Drop is a match-three type of puzzle game where you drop colored droplets to match with the fallen pieces. The twist is that you can only drop two colors at a time. it up to switch the colors, down to drop, left or right to move in those directions. It takes a bit to familiarize yourself with the controls, but is fun once you mastered it. Over 70 levels and is free this weekend only. Normally 99 cents.
iPhone/iPod Touch Version | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

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