Angry Birds Board Game
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One of the most exciting CES 2011 news for me wasn’t even about technology.
We all love Angry Birds. You see them everywhere! They’re invading our phones, tablets, computers, heck, there’s even a rumor that a movie about them would be out. So I couldn’t help smiling when Mattel announced that they’re working on an Angry Birds Board game! It’s called “Angry Birds Knock on Wood” and so far, the prototype looks fabulous.
How do you play? Basically, it’s a two player game where you have a stack of cards to pick from. One person picks a card and the other player builds the structure on the card. At the bottom of the card is which and how many birds Player 1 can use to knock down the structure. Player 1 takes the slingshot and birds and try to knock down all the pigs. On each card is a number. Knock all the pigs down and that’s how many points you receive. First person to 1000 points wins.
The game is said to come out May 2011. Until then, I’ll keep crafting up my own Angry Birds toys. ;)
(Via via GeekBeat.TV)
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