
Reporting for CES I <3 AllTop.com Dessert New Canon EOS 40D Daynah at "On the Rox" in Hollywood Daynah Loves iPhone Apps Yes, I've already Tweeted this. :)

PHP-Princess.net is Daynah’s geeky corner on the interwebs. The domain came about when she was joking with a friend about coding some scripts. Here you will find her dreams about PHP, various gadgets, favorite games, and much more geeky stuff. For more information about her projects, check out the portfolio.

Who is Daynah?

Daynah is a Web developer / System administrator / Web & Social Media Consultant / Photographer / Event Organizer / Tech Geek. She has over 12 years of experience in XHTML, CSS, PHP, mysql, and Adobe Photoshop. 6+ years of experience with WordPress Content Management System and 3+ years of experience with its predecessor b2 (cafelog). 1 year experience in Adobe Illustrator and Flash.

She is also an Editor and iPhone App Reviewer for iProng Magazine. She’s also known for being a Co-Organizer of Twestival LA and Twestival Local LA, as well as planning random tweetups in cities she visits. And her love for for technology and software has made her an Evangelist for WordPress, Qik, & Viddler.

Her Other Websites


Daynah.net is the her online portfolio which includes her website creations and designs, programming projects, social media work, writings and publications, artwork, photography, and more.

website-dolphinianetDolphinia.net displays all aspects of her life, not just her geeky side. She loves to be crafty and scrapbook. You can find some of her creative artwork at Scrappity Scrap! She also enjoys going out and eating a various places. Check out her FoodLog for restaurant recommendations and photos of food!

twitter-website@daynah on Twitter displays her various tweets, random thoughts, and updates on iPhone apps. She also gives away iPhone app promo codes too as well as plan tweetups via Twitter. So follow her if you want in on the fun!

Daynah’s Reads

In her free time, she enjoys reading up on the latest technologies, social media, and other web-related topics. Below are some of the tech books she has read, is reading, or has interest in.

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Contact Daynah

Have a suggestion for iPhone app or gadget reviews, blog posts, or just need to contact Daynah? You can reach her at:

Email address: daynah at gmail.com

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