Women in Technology

April 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Multimedia, Tech News

I’m currently watching a Mobuzz episode called “Women in Technology,” and I’m happy to hear that the number of IT Women out there is increasing. It’s also very nice to see that my two favorite IT girls were mentioned in this video — Cali Lewis and iJustine.

I remember how low the numbers were when I was in college. I could count all the female engineering students in my year on my two hands! Yes, that included Computer Science and all Engineering majors!

I enjoyed this webisode, thanks for the link, Jeff!

Sources: MoBuzz TV

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Twitter Account for Sale on eBay

April 13, 2008 by  
Filed under Tech News

How much is a Twitter account worth to you? Well, signing up initially is free. But what if you wanted an account that already had an audience of over 1500+ users? I guess you’ll have to fight for it on ebay!

Twitter Account for Sale
Here’s a screenshot of the ebay auction.

Thanks Geoff for the link!

Update as of 830pm PST – The auction has been pulled, and he has decided to keep his Twitter account after all. More..

Sources: Geek Gestalt | ebay Twitter Sale

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Photoshop World ’08 Orlando Adobe Keynote

April 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Software and Web Apps, Tech News

Cut and PasteI’m watching the Photoshop World ’08 Orlando Adobe Keynote right now, and I’m quite impressed with all the animated graphic submissions to the Cut & Paste Competition.

View the podcast to see their amazing work as well as what Adobe has been up to.

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Flickr, Now with Video

April 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Tech News

FlickrIt looks like Flickr now has Video as of today! But read the rules before you start uploading content. Videos are to be under 90 seconds that you have created yourself. They’re going for the “long photo” feel.

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Augmented Reality

April 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Multimedia, Tech News

Augmented Reality is such an amazing technology! I’ve never heard of it before until Cali Lewis did a qik episode on it. Seeing Second Life integrated with physical space just boggles my mind!

Check out this video of Cali where Second Life is overlayed with real physical space.

Many thanks to GeekBrief.TV! :)

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Free Web version of Photoshop Launches

March 27, 2008 by  
Filed under Software and Web Apps, Tech News

Since Adobe Photoshop is somewhat complex to learn, I have been looking for a free image editor that our staff can use for basic image editing. I’ve tried installing Gimp, but the windows version crashes a few times. But great news, I can have the best of both worlds! ;)

The maker of the popular photo-editing software Photoshop on Thursday launched a basic version available for free online.

Photoshop Express will be completely Web-based so consumers can use it with any type of computer, operating system and browser. And, once they register, users can get to their accounts from different computers.

Read the full article on Yahoo! News

Check out Photoshop Express for yourself!

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iPods Hit the Crime Scene

March 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Apple, Gadgets and Accessories, Tech News

Wow, iPods could be the cause of recent crime waves!

These popular little gadgets are quite valuable and easy to resell. Not to mention, they’re easy to steal from people who are quite absorbed in their music and oblivious to their surroundings.

I did come up with two solutions. If Apple would drop the price, then they wouldn’t be worth stealing.. :) Or, there could be some sort of anti-thief mechanism built into the ipod. Maybe a fingerprint reader, or lojack for iPods.

Credit: By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, AP Technology Writer

Dreamhost’s Billing Nightmare

January 16, 2008 by  
Filed under Tech News

Dreamhost’s Nightmare

Yikes. There was a big billing error over at Dreamhost yesterday. A $7,500,000 billing error I might add. Read more..

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Where’s my Pownce?

August 6, 2007 by  
Filed under Tech News

After hearing Cali talk about it, I decided to join. I signed up for Pownce… waiting to get my invitation. I hope it comes in soon!

Update 8/7 – Ask and you shall receive! I got my invitation just one day after I signed up for one. So here’s my pownce website… now what? I’ll have to explore it later! Time for bed!

Google privacy ‘worst on the Web’

June 12, 2007 by  
Filed under Tech News

I hope Google does something to change this soon.

Google Inc.’s privacy practices are the worst among the Internet’s top destinations, according to a watchdog group seeking to intensify the recent focus on how the online search leader handles personal information about its users. -CNN News

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WWDC 2007 Video

June 11, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News

Leopard DiskIf you missed the WWDC 2007 earlier today, you can still view it online here. Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveil and demo Leopard features in his World Wide Developer Conference keynote address from San Francisco’s Moscone West. The intro cracks me up. :D

Undersea Cable Thieves Slow Vietnam’s Internet Access

June 10, 2007 by  
Filed under Tech News

Vietnam ComputersMy relatives from Vietnam haven’t been online for a while… and now I know why!

Vietnamese Internet users are experiencing slower service after thieves stole part of the one of the country’s main fiber-optic transmission cables from the sea floor and sold it for scrap. If one more cable is cut, experts say, Vietnam could lose almost all of its telecommunications capacity. – Voice of America News


June 10, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News


This June the center of the Mac universe will be at Moscone West in downtown San Francisco as developers and IT professionals from around the globe come together for the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference.
-WWDC 07

Cali Lewis from Geekbrief will be there with Live Coverage! Join the GeekBrief chatroom at 10am PST for all the geeky festivities!

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5 Podcast

June 4, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates D5Yay! Look what I found on iTunes:

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5 Conference (iTunes)

Yes… I’m a geek. But this historical conference is very intriguing!

Amazon and Woot Tweet!

June 4, 2007 by  
Filed under Tech News

TwitterHow funny! Everyone is Tweeting! Check out Amazon and Woot! Go ahead and add them as friends :)

I stumbled on this thanks to by Richard MacManus’s post.

Google has acquired FeedBurner

June 3, 2007 by  
Filed under Tech News

FeedburnerWoah. This is news to me. Google has acquired FeedBurner!

Q. Why did Google acquire FeedBurner?

A. Google believes that feed-based content and advertising is a developing space where we can add value for users, advertisers and publishers. FeedBurner’s technology and talented team are a great addition to Google’s current solutions for advertisers and publishers.

heh, so who’s next on Google’s list?

YouTube on AppleTV

May 30, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News

youtube-appletv.pngYou can now download YouTube videos on the AppleTV now. First off, I personally don’t have any use for an AppleTV since we have a computer in just about every room in the house. lol But I’m happy to see the new features that are available.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Take the Stage at D5

May 30, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News

gates_jobs1.jpgAmazing, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates together on the same stage at the D5 | All Things Digital Conference. It’s like a geeky dream come true!

Soon the great Silicon Valley soap opera will come full circle. Not since Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously interviewed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates as a possible suitor during the “Macintosh Dating Game” back in 1984 have the two men appeared in a joint bill. And in a few moments, the two will share a stage tonight for the first time in more than 20 years for what promises to be a historic discussion. More..

Source: All Things Digital

Build your Social Networking Apps with Facebook APIs

May 30, 2007 by  
Filed under Software and Web Apps, Tech News

FacebookInterested in building your own social networking company? Then Facebook’s APIs may be the best place to start!

Facebook, the social networking company now wants to become a place for anyone to build applications for social computing. Fortune got an inside look.

Facebook may turn out to be a lot more important than any of us thought. It has just launched a major change in its strategy that will transform its role in the Internet ecosystem and could create a raft of new opportunities for companies of all sizes.

No longer will Facebook consider itself merely another social network. Instead it is becoming a technology platform on which anyone can build applications for social computing.
(Full Story)

I already started to add applications to my Facebook profile. The Twitter App on Facebook is rather nice!

Source: CNNMoney.com

Apple Bans Myspace in Retail Stores

May 25, 2007 by  
Filed under Apple, Tech News

Apple StoreIs Myspace getting too popular that it’s getting banned in stores?

In New York City, you can go to the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in midtown 24 hours a day, seven days a week and browse the Web from the Macs on display. But due to a new Apple regulation, you can no longer access MySpace.com.

hehe, I wish we could do that at school. I can’t tell you how many times I walk pass students in the library and see is their myspace profile. Luckily, we got in many more computers this year, so we haven’t ran into the problem of people waiting for machines to use for school work yet.

Read more about the Myspace ban..

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