xTrain Classes

March 11, 2008 by  
Filed under Links and Resources, Tips and Tutorials

I’m looking into some of the classes on xTrain right now.

I watched the free course, “Converting Photography into Vector Art by Shellie Hall” and I loved it. The instructor is great and interesting, and had a lot of great tips. Now what other classes should I watch? :D

Related Products:

Linking to a Page in a PDF File

June 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

PDFI was adding a link to a PDF file to my webpage, and was wondering if it was possible to link TO a page within the PDF. I did my google search, and found exactly how to do it.

Simply link to your PDF file as usual and append page=8 to link to the 8th page. Change the number accordingly.

So the HTML code would look like this:

<a href="http://www.mywebsite.com/myPDF.pdf#page=8">Page 8 in my PDF File</a>

Nice Trick. Thanks Planet PDF. :)

Video podCast: Adobe© Photoshop Killer Tips

Another one of my favorite podcast Video blogs is Photoshop Killer Tips. Matt Kloskowski does a great job explaining all the shortcuts, tips, and tricks that he uses in Adobe© Photoshop. I can get in an episode or two during lunch, or my walk from the parking lot to work on my Video iPod. The videos are short (for those of you who have short attention spans!) yet get packed with content. My favorite tip is how to create a reflection. Enjoy!

CSS 3: Substring Matching Attribute Selectors

March 16, 2007 by  
Filed under Code Snippets, CSS, Tips and Tutorials

css-iconI was reading up on CSS 3′s Substring matching attribute selectors and discovered a fun way to reference anchor links!

Web links can be a variety of files. PDF, DOC, and HTML are some of the familiar ones. I was wondering if we could put a small icon to denote what type of file is being downloaded, and with CSS3, it’s quite possible.

Create an HTML file. Between the <head> tags, put

body { 
  font-size: .9em; font-weight: bold; 
a { color: blue; line-height: 1.5em; }
a[href$=".html"] { 
   padding-left:20px; background-image:url(html.gif); 
   background-repeat: no-repeat; 
a[href$=".pdf"] { 
   padding-left:20px; background-image:url(pdf.gif); 
   background-repeat: no-repeat; 
a[href$=".doc"] { 
   padding-left:20px; background-image:url(msword.gif); 
   background-repeat: no-repeat; 

and between the <body> tags, put:

<li><a href="myfile.html">My HTML File</a></li>
<li><a href="myfile.pdf">My PDF File</a></li>
<li><a href="myfile.doc">My Word Doc File</a></li>
<li><a href="http://php-princess.net">Any Link</a></li>

Save the file as mytest.html (and download these three images as well — MS Word PDF HTML) and open it up in Firefox 2.0. You will then see something that looks like this:

CSS 3 Links
Isn’t that great? The padding attribute moves the link 20px to the right. And the background-repeat attribute makes sure that image doesn’t repeat. So when I link a PDF file on my website, an image of a PDF file automatically shows next to the link. What a time-saver. :) The only drawback to this is that CSS3 isn’t fully implemented in all of today’s browser. It seems that Firefox 2.0 is ahead in the game. MSIE 7.0 and browsers below do not render CSS3 correctly. But it is a nice tip. Hopefully the next generation of browsers will render CSS3 the way it’s suppose to.

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Tutorial on how to create a nice Illustrator pie chart

June 30, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Wow, this is awesome! Veerle created a great tutorial on how to create a nice Illustrator pie chart. I didn’t even know Illustrator had a datasheet! Way cool! Thanks Veerle. :)

XMLHttpRequest and AJAX for PHP programmers

June 6, 2005 by  
Filed under Links and Resources, Tips and Tutorials

Ajax Map

Here’s a great article called XMLHttpRequest and AJAX for PHP programmers. PHP and Javascript finally joined together, thanks to XML. ;)

Article by James Kassemi from PhpBuilders.com

Microsoft Excel Formatting and Time Saving Tricks

March 28, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

I was helping out my co-worker with an “Introduction to Excel” class today. My job was to walk around and make sure no one is lost. But while I was in the class, I did learn a few new things. Let me share with you some nifty tips I got from the class.

Autofill of Days
This trick just made me smile. I’m not much of an Excel user, so this really amused me. First, type in the word Monday in a cell like in this image:

Read more

Alternating Row Color

April 25, 2003 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

alternate colors Interested in alternating row colors in your tables? But how would you do that easily in PHP?

No matter where you data is, whether it’s in an array, database, or file, this can be done simply.

The code:
<tr bgcolor=”<?=($i%2)?”#ffffff”:”#c0c0c0″;?>”>

is the answer. I’ve written a small tutorial on it here.

Homesite Regular Expressions Replace

January 21, 2003 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Thanks to the Macromedia Homesite Forums, I learned how to mass replace using regular expressions! It’s pretty easy too, the basic stuff at least.

First open Homesite, click on Search, then Extended Replace

regular expressions

regular expressionsA simple regular expression would be to replace a tag in quotes. For example, you have align=”left”, align=”right” in your HTML document, but would like for them to be replaced with align=”center”.

To do this, you can use the regular expression:


and replace it with:


This would replace any characters within the quotes with ‘center’.

To do this in Homesite, in the Extended Replace box, put the regular expression into the Find what textbox and what to replace it with in the Replace with textbox. Make sure Regular Expressions is also checked. Then click Replace.

Simple right? I’m sure there are more regular expression tricks, but this simple one is really helpful for me now.

Note: There is one small bug with regular expressions in Homesite 5. You have to replace the regular expression with ‘something’ rather than leaving it blank. That’s the only small thing I noticed.

XML Resources

January 16, 2003 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

My friend asked me for some XML/XHTML tutorials, so I gave her these links:

  • XML – well, where else? :)
  • XHTML Tutorial from wc3schools
  • RDF Tutorial – basic syntax and containers of RDF (Resource Description Framework)
  • Syndic8.com – place to come to find syndicated news feeds on a wide variety of topics.


June 10, 2002 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

You’ve seen how to create pages that look like index.php?page=aboutme, but what about pages that look like index.php?love? Dodo has written a great tutorial for us. You can also discuss about other ways of implementing that if you like.

Installing Apache, PHP, and mySQL

May 20, 2002 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Do you want to test PHP and mySQL projects but don’t have the bandwidth (or the patience) to upload each change you make? Why not do all this in the comfort of your own computer? Sarah wrote a great tutorial on how to get Apache, PHP, and mySQL running on your very own computer. The advantage of this is that it saves time and you wouldn’t have to upload the files until it is working just the way you want it to.

mail() function

May 20, 2002 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Getting feedback from your website is very helpful when you’re designing. Sometimes providing the visitor a small form to email you can be a good idea. :) Here’s an intro on how to use the mail() function in php.

phpMyadmin Tutorial

May 16, 2002 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Someone on board asked how she would save data in a database to move to a new server. It’s not too hard, I wrote a short tutorial on phpMyAdmin to help out. :)

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