CES 2010: AlgebraPrep iPhone Apps

January 19, 2010 by  
Filed under CES 2010, Links and Resources

Learning math has never been easier! Pearson and Modality have teamed up to create the AlgebraPrep iPhone/iPod Touch app series that provide algebra help anytime with practice tests along with video solutions. Now you can have your own 24/7 Algebra Tutor, anytime, anywhere!

Elayn Martin-Gay, award-winning instructor, firmly believes that every student can succeed in mathematics, and this is reinforced in her new AlgebraPrep Apps.

What I really love most about these apps is the way they teach you by example how equations and problems are solved. You have the option of taking a practice or mini test. In a practice test, you get multiple chances to pick the correct answer. If you answer correctly, you can move on to the next question. If you answer incorrectly, the app will give you a hint on what you need to do. After you finish a practice test, you’re ready for the mini test which are designed to be taken in 10 minutes or less.

These apps are simple yet sophisicated for students in middle and high school. I’d highly recommend them for students learning math.

AlgebraPrep Apps are available for the following topics:

  • Factoring
  • Exponents
  • Real Numbers
  • Rationals
  • Equations
  • Roots/Radicals
  • Graphing
  • Systems
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Practice Mid-Term
  • Practice Final Exam

All apps are $2.99, except for the Practice Final Exam, which is $6.99. Find AlgebraPrep in the iTunes App Store.

For more information, see Pearson AlgebraPrep official website.

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