Blackberry App: TweetCaster
I wish I had a Blackberry to try out TweetCaster! I know Blackberry users didn’t have many choices for Twitter apps, so this one looks very promising. The funny thing is, @RichDocekal brought it to my attention because Blackberry took a screenshot with my tweet in it. :) It was a nice surprise, thanks Rich and BBCool!
So if you’re using a Blackberry, try it out and let me know how it is!
Here’s more information about the app from Blackberry
A new Twitter client has hit the BlackBerry world, this one by Handmark. TweetCaster, is a free* Twitter app that is available exclusively for BlackBerry.
The user interface looks fairly clean, and it comes with all the basic Twitter functionality. Some of the features you’ll find with this client include:
- Ability to toggle between multiple accounts
- URL shortening
- Picture sharing
- One-step @reply and retweet capabilities
- GPS locator to find Twitter friends near you
- Real-time trending topics list
TweetCaster is currently the only Twitter application for BlackBerry smartphones offering the ability to toggle between multiple accounts.
Download TweetCaster by Handmark for your BlackBerry from (*They’re asking for a Tweet in exchange)
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Are you addicted to Guitar Hero? Well, now you can take it on the road when you can actually pry yourself away from the tv. ;) Guitar Hero III is available for any Blackberry phone. You can download the demo here.
Source: Yahoo! Tech News
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BlackBerry 8100
January 2, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Gadgets and Accessories
I’ve been looking at cellphones lately since my contract is expiring soon. The only one I really liked was the BlackBerry 8100. The BlackBerry 8320 Curve is awesome too, but is a bit expensive. What do you think? I would really want an iPhone, but I can’t seem to justify the cost.
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