Hot iPhone and iPad Apps for 10-10-2010

October 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, Reviews

Here’s a list of hot bargain apps for the week of 10-10-2010! So what were you doing on 10/10/2010 10:10pm. I was busy gaming as you can see. ;)

Cut the Rope – If you haven’t downloaded this gem yet, do it now! Who doesn’t love physics games with something as adorable as a green pet that only eats candy? Candy dangles on a rope and you must cut it so that it falls right into the mouth of your cute pet. Lite version contains a lot of free levels, but I suggest getting the full version for even more! Game Center is available on both lite and full iPhone versions.
iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version (Free) | iPad Version ($1.99) | iPad Lite Version (Free)

Bejeweled 2 + Blitz – Your favorite match-3 game goes on sale! Pop Cap is celebrating their 10-Year anniversary so it’s on sale! Match gems to clear the row or column. Get powerups to blast a whole section. Game is over when no more moves are available.
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Bookworm – Hello there little bookworm. Why not sink your teeth into some big words? Link adjacent letters to form words for Lex the Bookworm to eat. The bigger the words, the more points you get. Watch for power-ups! Normally $2.99, it’s on sale for 99 cents this week for Pop Cap’s 10 year anniversary. Get it fast! iPhone Version (99 cents)

Super Mega Worm – Retro games are making their way back! And if this game wasn’t a classic before, it should be! Giant worm invades earth, whose main goal is to cleanse Earth of sinful humans. Yes it’s a bit on the violence side, but fun nevertheless. I must warn you, your thumbs will start to hurt as you rack up those points! Game Center is enabled on iOS 3.2 devices.
Universal Version (99 cents) | Universal Lite Version (Free)

Time Geeks: Find All! – a fun seek and find game in a colorful world of pixels. The artwork alone is alone is a great reason to purchase. You are timed for finding the given item. The faster you find it, the more starts you get for that task. Unlock achievements and mini-games along the way! Game Center is enabled for iOS 3.2 devices, so compete against your friends!
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Zappos – As if your weren’t addicted to shopping at already, they just made a gorgeous iPad app that let’s your browse through all of your future accessories! Select an item and swipe up and down to scroll though the different angles. It sure makes shopping a lot of fun! Tab through reviews, more details, and more info about the brand. Shop for shoes, clothing, bags, beauty products, as well as housewares. Great user interface and that’s both functional and easy to use! iPad Version (Free)

Sir Lovalot – You get to play the part of a knight in shiny armor, ready to rescue the princesses! Hop up the castle and rescue the girls and be sure to get a smooch before you jump back out of the window. Collect items along the way and see how high you can go! It’s like Doodle Jump with a twist! Literally! Tilt your device to twist the castle and hop on the different pedestals!
iPhone Version (99 cents)

Tilt To Live – Tilt the device to maneuver around the red dots. Pick out power ups along the way to blast those vicious red dots away. Be careful not to touch them, else the game is over. Very easy concept, but quite challenging to play. The iPad version is available for free, but to upgrade to full version is $3.99 (in-app purchase). iPhone version is available as well.
iPad Version (Free) | iPhone Version ($2.99)

Doodle Grub is an adorable game of snakes! You’re actually start out as a small worm. Eat the fresh green apples by tiling your device to grow even bigger. Avoid the poisonous apples as well as the spiny porcupines! Running into the porcupines will make you smaller. Very adorable graphics and various themes to choose from. Game center is enabled, and lots more updates to come! iPhone Version (Free)

0.03 Seconds – If you enjoy testing your reaction time, this one is a fun one. It measures your reaction time to the milliseconds and pixels! Think you got what tit takes? Take these tests and see! Free version has 8 stages, while pro version has 24.
iPhone Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents)

Despicable Me: Minion Mania – Enjoyed the movie? Now you can play with the cute minions right on your devices! Become one of the greatest supervillians by commanding Gru’s army of Minions through the top secret laboratory! Includes 20 stages. Originally $4.99, currently on sale for 99 cents for both iPhone and iPad versions.
iPhone Lite Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPad Version (99 cents)

Slice It! – Once you slice it, you can’t stop! Slice various shapes to get the same ratio or surface area. You’re given the number of slices to create, and the shape to create it from. Cut and slash and level up! Adorable graphics and animation. Try out the free version first to get 15 levels for free. iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version (Free)

Cro-Mag Rally – Play the wildest racing 3D game yet! You’ve seen it in all of the Apple commercials, now get it for yourself for this special sale price! Race those pre-historic vehicles. Universal app for both your iPhone and iPad. Normally $2.99, it’s on sale for 99 cents.
Universal Version (99 cents)

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Testing Web App

October 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Gadgets and Accessories

Test my Web App on multiple phones

Testing my web app on multiple phones. It’s going to be launched tonight! Getting ready to demo it to the Board this afternoon, so I’ll write more about it later.

Related Products:

Walk-Through of Apple’s Game Center on iOS 4.1

September 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Apple, Games

Apple recently released their iOS 4.1 Software Update. This first major update brings new features such as Game Center, Ping (in iTunes), iTunes TV show rentals, HDR photography, and much more. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Apple’s first major announcement — Game Center.

What is Game Center? It’s Apple implementation of social gaming on your iPhone (and later on your iPad). You can find your friends or even let Game Center auto-match you with players for various games. Game Center is one central place where you can track achievements and compare high scores on multiple games.

Installation. After installing and updating your iPhone or iPod Touch1, a new icon will appear in the lower right of the first page. This will take you to Apple’s new Game Center. It’ll appear as an icon, just like any other app.

Signing Up. Click on it to get started. The first time, it’ll ask you to sign up for Game Center and to pick a username/password for your account. This account will be associated with your Apple ID. If you’re using a family iTunes account, you may want to sign up for another iTunes account just for the Game Center. (This is an easy process, the button is just at the bottom.)

Just like any new system, it’s a race to add all of your friends and most importantly, grab the username you want. So even if you don’t play many games, you might just want to sign up ASAP just to get your desire username!

Friend Requests. When someone requests to be your Game Center friend, fanfares sounds play and a message is displayed on your device (of course, you need to give permission to have push and sound on for Game Center). Clicking “Accept” adds the user as your friend but it doesn’t take you out of what you were doing, which I really like! Usually clicking on these sort of notifications will take me out of my current app and into another.

Playing Games. Now there’s only a handful of games that have been updated to run on Game Center. Be sure to update these apps first before trying to use Game Center. Some games include Farmville, WordsWorth, Flight Control, Real Racing, Pac-Mac, Cro-Mag Rally, Cocoto Kart Online, and a few more.

Be sure to be logged into Game Center and then launch your game of choice. You should see a sliding note on top of your app that says “Welcome back, USERNAME.” That lets your know that you’re logged in on Game Center. Now play the game just like you would. Depending on the game, you may have more options on game play as well as different types of achievements.

Game Center. Now that you played a few games2, close them and launch Game Center. On the first screen, you will see your profile — your username, number of friends, games played, achievements, your status update, and your iTunes email account. At the bottom are 4 tabs — Me (current page), Friends, Games, and Requests.

The tab “Friends” lists all of your accepted friends. You are able to view their status (similar to Twitter or Facebook Status). If you drill down deeper, you can see their profiles, all the games they played, and the games you have in common. If you don’t have the games they play, you can click on the link and purchase the apps. That’s a clever way of selling apps! For the games you do have in common, another page displays that puts your scores and achievements head-to-head with theirs.

The tab “Games” lists all the games you played (that have Game Center). Clicking on them will show you the leaderboards, achievements available and which you have accomplished. There’s also a button at the bottom that says “Find Game Center Games.” Clicking on this will take you into the iTunes App Store where you can purchase apps with Game Center enabled.

Lastly, the tab “Requests” will lists all of your friend requests. The number of requests here will be the red badge number on your Game Center icon.

Overall, Game Center is a great idea for social gaming. Unfortunately, it’s still too early to really test out the system since only a few games have Game Center enabled. The idea of social gaming is not new. There are already some successful systems in placed like Plus+ and OpenFeint, so I’m interested in seeing how Game Center will affect them.

See Apple’s official website for more information about iOS 4.1 update and Game Center.

1. iOS 4.1 only works on iPhone 3Gs and higher, iPod Touch Gen 2 and higher.
2. Only some games have been updated to run Game Center. Be sure to read the game developer’s notes.

Note: This article was original written for Beatweek Magazine.

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Bargain Back-to-School iPhone/iPad Apps and More!

September 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Freebies, Games, Reviews

It’s almost time to head back to school! I thought you could use a few games as well as educational apps for the start of the school year! Here are this week’s bargain iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad apps:


Linkin Park 8-Bit Rebellion – Help each member of Linkin Park find their stolen tracks in this 8-bit/high resolution world! Walk around in the various city districts, completing missions, destroying evil-doers and help retrieve all the music tracks back! Enjoy 8 Link Park tracks in their original and 8-bit formats and unlock a brand new exclusive song! Normally $4.99, but on sale for 99 cents for a limited time!
iPad Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Lite Version (Free)

WordsWorth – Race against the clock and make as many words as you can in this honeycomb-gameboard. Score extra points if you find the bonus world. One of the few games updated to work with Apple’s new Game Center, you can now see your scores ranked on the worldwide leader board as well as just among friends! It’s currently 50% off for a limited time. iPhone Version (99 cents)

Toy Story 3: Operation Camouflage – is a hidden object game that ties in with the movie. Two modes available – Easy and Hard. Hard mode is played with a timer, while Easy is without. Normally $1.99, but on sale this weekend for 99 cents!
Universal Version (99 cents)

Lite Brite – this apps brings back so many memories for me as a child. Although I never owned a Lite-Brite, the commercials of the popular toy kept playing ver and over again on TV that I really wanted one! It’s a black board where you get to stick colored pegs in to make images that glow in the dark. Well, now I can own a piece of my childhood right on my iPhone! Complete colorful projects and even create animation with the app! iPhone Version (99 cents)

Coin Push Frenzy – Remember those quarter-pushing machines at arcades and casinos that would eat up all your quarters as they push one or two down? Well, now you can play the same game right on your iPhone, without gambling much money! Drop you coins and push down surprise mystery boxes, bonus coins, and more. Collect various virtual gifts from the mystery boxes and store them in your trophy room! iPhone Version (Free)

Geared HD is a fun game of physics where you place cogs and gears in a way so the end contraption turns! Tap and place gears down of all sizes. Normally $2.99 for the iPad version, but it’s free this weekend only!
iPad Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Lite Version (Free)

Entertainment and Lifestyle Apps

Appshopper is my favorite place to find bargain iPhone/iPad apps! They finally have their own app so you won’t miss another sale again! Create a wishlist of the apps you want and you’ll be notified when their prices drop! If you’re an app-addict like me, this is a must!
Universal App (Free)

Romantic Dinner Date Recipes – flip through recipes to cook for your sweetie. Once you find something, add it to the shopping cart and your ingredients will be listed nicely for you to go purchase! So go make something yummy for your sweetheart now!
iPhone Version (Free)

Percolator is a new photo app that allows you to transform your photos into dazzling multicolor mosaics! Import or take a photo and your image will instantly be a colorful mosaic of round circles. Great app for inspiration for designers and graphic artists. Currently at introductory price of 99 cents. iPhone Version (99 cents)

I Am T-Pain is absolutely fun and hilarious. Sing and the app will auto-tune your voice so you sound just like T-Pain. Plug your iPhone into speakers and it becomes a fun karaoke app! The recently updated version has an option to T-Pain your voice messages using the T-Pain Dialer. This will send voice messages to your friends as a fun prank. ;) Normally $2.99, it’s on sale this week for 99 cents. iPhone Version (99 cents)

New York: The Best of New York by Baffled By Travel, 2010/2011 Edition – If you’re planning to head to New York anytime soon, this app is a must. It highlights some of the best some of the best museums, eateries, nightlife, shops, hotels, and attractions in NY. Explore each of NY’s cities, and add favorite items to your profile. Once you’re in the city, use the “where” option to find things near you. Normally $7.99, it’s Free for a limited time!
iPhone Version (Free)

Back-to-School Apps

EMD PTE Periodic Table – If you’re taking Chemistry this fall, or need to review the periodic tablet of elements, this comes in pretty handy. Click on the elements to get more information on it. The app is universal, working on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad!
Universal Version (Free)

3D Cell Simulation and Stain Tool is perfect for students taking Biology. Learn about what makes up the cell structure with a 3d model, as well as stain your own cell by selecting colors for each structure. Have fun rotating the cell around and finding the Golgi, Lysosomes, and Nucleus! iPad Version (Free)

NASA is a fabulous app if you want to dive deep into space exploration. Explore each of the planets closely. Read tweets from space, read NASA news, see thousands of images from space, and much much more. Internet connection is required.
iPad Version (Free) | iPhone Version (Free)

Molecules – View 3D renderings of molecules. Rotate, zoom, and pan the molecules with your the touch of your fingers. You can even download additional molecules at the RCSB Protein Data Bank. It’s the perfect app for the scientist in the family!
Universal Version (Free)

iStudiez Pro is a great app for college students. It’s like a student schedule/daily planner all rolled into one. Add class schedules, prioritize assignments, add notes, and more. Push notification to alert you of upcoming tasks and homework. Gorgeous interface. It’s a student planner good enough to accommodate even the most hectic student schedules. It’s a little more on the expensive side, but definitely worth it if you’re a student. Try out the Lite version before buying! Universal Version ($2.99)

History Maps is a collection of various historical maps. Maps included range from as early as England in 700 to the mid-1900s. Perfect for the historian in the family.
Universal Version (Free)

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Review: Ten 1 Design Pogo Sketch Stylus

September 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Gadgets and Accessories, iPad, Reviews

When the iPad first came out, I thought it’d make a magnificent artist tool. But the only way I could create sketches was by drawing with my fingers.

But there’s a great accessory to fix that. It’s the Pogo Sketch stylus. It’s like a pen for your iPad! The Pogo Sketch is about the same size of a slender pen. It’s made of a lightweight aluminum alloy that feels like a feather in your hand. One end has a clip that you can use to clip on your shirt, pocket, or purse. And on the the other end is a soft tip that you use to glide over the iPad when drawing or writing.

iPad apps like Penultimate and iDraft, and other drawing apps work very well with the Pogo Sketch. Since you’re writing with your hand (and not your fingers), the letters are more accurate to your real handwriting.

To do this, launch your preferred drawing/writing app and write as you would with a pen. Instead of writing at an angle, try writing in more of a right angle. The stylus doesn’t have a pointy end, so writing on the iPad in 90 degrees angle works better.

Just think, now you can sign your name on documents electronically. Or draw and write with a little more accuracy than your fingers would. Also, since your fingers are no longer needed to tap on the iPad surface, you can wear gloves when it’s too cold. Just tap on the icons on the screen to open and close apps like you would with your fingers!

One downfall of the stylus is it’s flat writing surface. As mentioned before, it’s not a pointy tool, so there is less precision when writing and you would need to write in a more upright angle. But that’s not much of a drawback if you need a tool like this. Think of is as a wide medium point pen instead of fine point pen.

The Pogo Sketch also works on iPhones and iPod Touches, as well as your MacBook trackpad. For the MacBook, it will need the help of a software called Inklet, you can also turn the trackpad on your Macbook into a mini tablet as well.

The Ten 1 Design Pogo Sketch is available in four fun colors — pink, orange, green, and silver for $14.95. In addition, the new Ten One Design Particle iPad Case comes with a silver Pogo Sketch stylus, packaged together for $30. You may consider getting this package if you want a place to put your stylus. Review of this item is forthcoming.

For more information on the Pogo Sketch, see the official website.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars · $14.95 ·

Disclosure: This product was sent by Ten One Design for review purposes. This is part of Beatweek Magazine’s coverage of iPad products. Opinions expressed in this article are my own.

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Top Bargain iPhone and iPad Apps for August!

August 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Freebies, Games, Reviews

Need some new apps for your iPhone and iPad? Here are some free and bargain apps you need to know about!

James Cameron’s Avatar for iPad – Enter the beautiful, yet dangerous world of Pandora. The game takes place two decades prior to the movie and you get to be the first experimental avatar. Experience your new powers in your new body as you and the Na’vi become one. The graphics are just amazing and is like watching the movie as you play. Definitely worth every penny. Once $9.99, this beautiful game is now only 99 cents, so get it before the sale is over. The iPhone/iPad version is not on sale, but there is a lite version you can try. The game is huge, so be sure you’re on wifi before downloading. iPad Version (99 cents) | iPhone/iPod Touch Version ($4.99) | iPhone/iPod Touch Lite Version (Free)

Vevo – stream and watch full music videos right to your iPhone or iPod Touch! Also view videos of your favorite artists and conviently purchase the songs and videos from iTunes. You can also learn fun trivia about your favorite artists. It’s currently iTune’s pick for App of the Week and is the perfect app for for the music lovers. iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free)

GetGlue – checking into things is all the craze now. It’s been applied to geolocation, but here’s a new idea. Why not check into things, such as the show or movie you’re currently watching, or the song you’re listening to, or even what you’re thinking about? That’s GetGlue for you. Check into your favorite things and share them with your friends. You can leave reviews and comment on your friends check-ins as well. Connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts to easily find friends. Best of all, real earn stickers for checking in and leaving reviews. Once you earned a lot, send a request to have your stickers mailed to you. Pretty nifty! iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free)

RedLaser – Quickly scan barcodes to find out what the item is and the best place to purchase it. Search results return a list of stores/websites where you can purchase the items starting from the lowest price to highest. So find the best deal and shop away!
iPhone Version (Free)

FoodSpotting 2.0 – Foodies rejoice! If you love taking pictures of food, you’re not alone. Join the community of Foodies called FoodSpotting! Take photos of food, post your reviews, and share with your friends. This updated app makes it easy to upload and view yours and your friends’ activities. Check it out for yummy goodness! Feel free to add me as a friend on FoodSpotting and share food tips! iPhone Version (Free)

Magic Pictures HD – View amazingly beautiful photos scroll by as you interact with the scene. Images scroll either up and down or sideways depending on the photo. Use your fingers to interact with the particles (could be snowflakes on a winter scene or water droplets on an ocean scene) and move pieces around. Options include interacting with moving particles, listening to relaxing ambient sounds, and a digital clock. The collection currently includes 106 high resolution photos, taken by Tobias Tomsch. It’s a must-have for photography enthusiasts and makes the perfect digital frame. It’s specially priced now for just 99 cents! iPad Version Only (Free)

DailyBooth App – This app is great for you DailyBooth-ers out there. DailyBooth is a community of users who take random photos of themselves everyday. And friends can comment back with a photo (or text). It’s very similar to Twitter, except with photos! The interface still needs work, but it’s really nice for Version 1.0. Before the app, you would need to email your photo and it’ll appear on the website. Now with the app, simply select and upload. You can also see your recent replies and your friends latest activities and photos. It’s a must-have if you’re part of the DailyBooth community. iPhone Version (Free)

Discover — Wikipedia in a Magazine is a great app for browsing Wikipedia. Discover new and fun information everyday in a beautiful interface. Data is pulled from the Wikipedia website but is displayed in a fun interactive magazine. View in portrait-mode for a magazine-like experience, and landscape-mode for a more book-like experience. The app requires a data connection to work and saves your search and viewing history so you can get back to older articles. Definitely a fun app if you want to discover new and interesting things. iPad Version Only (Free)

City Story is a cute new game where you build your own city, adding shops, houses, parks, factories, and more! Make money by producing goods from the factories. Share you city with your friends by creating a free Storm8 account. It’s similar to games like We Rule and Sim City. The game is free and universal. The one thing I find lacking in this app is the social part. There’s a login system called Storm 8, and you can invite your friends on Facebook, but it’s not enough to tap into all the friends I have on other gaming systems. Universal (Free)

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First Look at We Farm for iPhone & iPad!

July 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Games

Are you ready for another addictive social game from Ngmoco? First there was TouchPetsDogs, then we got We Rule, and then Godfinger. And now, Ngmoco launched the new We Farm worldwide, and it’s becoming a hit!

If you’re addicted to games like “We Rule,” you’ll enjoy the new We Farm game as well. It’s a great alternative to Farmville, especially if you have an iPad. The graphics are marvelous and the game play is pretty fun.

It’s similar to “We Rule” with the familiar graphics and game layout, but of course, you get to take care of a farm instead of a kingdom. Additional tasks include petting your animals to keep them happy. This turns them into prize-ribbon-winning animals!

Check out the game trailer:

Because games like these are popular, you may experience some server connection problems and downtime. Be aware of this before you start playing. Hopefully they have a fix for this soon.

The game is available for free for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. For more information, see their official website at A full review to come soon.

Related Products:

iPhone Coasters

July 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Apple, Gadgets and Accessories

iPhone Coasters are now available for purchase! Wouldn’t you want to geek out your dining room with these amazing coasters? They currently come in three sets — The Core, Home, and Media sets. Each set depicts 6 of Apple’s default iPhone apps and may be purchase for £19.99.

For more information, see

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Top Bargain iPhone and iPad Apps for July

July 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, Reviews

Here are some top bargain iPhone and iPad for the week of July 26th, 2010! Be sure to get them before the sales end.

Ancient Frog – A unique and elegantly designed puzzle game that will leave you feeling calm and a sense of zen as you play. Guide the frog around on waterdrops on various leaves and plants to capture a tasty treat. Over 100 puzzles to play. Normally $4.99, it’s on sale now for just 99 cents! Both iPhone and iPad versions are on sale this week!
iPhone Lite Version (Free) | iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPad Version (99 cents)

Finger Physics: Thumb Wars – A great followup to Finger Physics, this physics-based puzzles will tickle your brain! Definitely a great casual game with levels lasting a few seconds. With 9 tutorial levels and 10 basic levels, the free version gives you a great feel of the overall game. If you want more puzzles, consider purchasing the full game.
iPhone Lite Version (Free) | iPhone Full Version ($1.99)

Pix ‘n Love Rush – So retro and so much fun, this game will take you back to the time of pixels and short attention spans! Help the little critter make it through the levels by moving, jumping, and shooting. Collect yellow pieces and avoid or shoot purple ones. Rush through all the short levels quickly and safely. iPhone Version (99 cents)

Super 7 is an entertaining math game. Draw a line between numbers to add up to 7. The drawn line will bring them closer. Numbers can also collide with one another to add up to a bigger number piece. Prevent numbers that add up to more than 7 from colliding with one another. Your score is based on how many 7′s pieces you can create. Normally $1.99, it’s free for a limited time! iPhone Version (Free)

Flipboard is an amazing and beautiful interactive magazine designed just for you. As you flip the pages, you will see personalized pages filled with your friends Tweets, Facebook updates, and posted photos. At least that’s who it would work if you were allowed to connect your account. They’re currently still working on the accounts portion, but it’s definitely worth the download. I suggest adding the “Tech Influencers” to your content list to get tech news, tweets, and announcements. iPad Version (Free)

Office Heroes – If you enjoy games like Farmville or We Rule, you may like this too. Instead of spending time outdoors, you can create and customize your own indoors office! Design your avatar and decorate his/her office with computers, furnitures, and more! Facebook account is required to play. iPhone Version (Free)

Fruit Memory HD is a beautiful memory match game. Match fruits by taking turns flipping the cards. Can play up to 4 players at any one time using 12, 28, or 40 cards. The game is designed for young children. Beautiful user interface and graphics, making the app very easy to use. Normally $1.99, it’s currently on sale for 99 cents. iPad Version (99 cents)

ABC News for iPad – read and watch the news in a whole new way. This iPad-specific app displays a globe of news that you move around with your hand. Select the news item you want to read and click to bring up the full article. There are also options to browser and search for news on specific topics. Globe view option can also be turned off to display a website/magazine layout. iPad Version (Free)

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Green Eggs and Ham and more!

July 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews

Do you like green eggs and ham?
Would you like them in a house?
Would you like them with a mouse?

The highly anticipated and best-selling children’s classic Dr. Seuss eBook — Green Eggs and Ham — is now available on the iPhone and iPad in a universal app. Along with “Green Eggs and Ham,” Oceanhouse Media has also released Hop on Pop, an early reader favorite, as well as the short story, Gertrude McFuzz.

The Dr. Seuss eBooks offer three modes of reading — “Read to Me”, “Read It Myself”, and “Auto Play.” You and your child can read have the eBook narrate the story as they swipe and turn the pages, turn off the narration, or even have the eBook auto-play the entire book.

Like the other Dr. Seuss eBook apps, they’re universal, looking beautiful on both the iPhone and iPad. High-resolution graphics have been added, making them look amazing on the iPhone 4.

Follow the links to purchase the new Dr. Seuss eBooks!

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Descpicable Me

July 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews

Despicable Me, a 3D animated comedy by Universal Pictures, opened in theaters this past weekend and has already hit number one in the box office! The movie stars Steve Carrel as the voice of Gru, a Scrooge-like character who is determined to become a supervillain . And if you enjoyed the lovely voice of Mary Poppins, you’ll be happy to know that Julie Andrews played the voice of Gru’s mother!

Immerse yourself in Gru’s villainous world right on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad! Despicable Me: Minion Mania is available for your gaming pleasure. The game is an adorable puzzler that will surely tickle your brain cells. Guide the minions through various puzzles by moving them in around in Gru’s top secret laboratory! Put them in the right positions to unlock the next level.

For more information about the Despicable Me: Minions Mania iPhone game, see the official website. An iPad version available too. Both versions are currently on sale for 99 cents! But hurry, this sale won’t last very long. A free lite version is also available if you want to try it out. Full review forthcoming.

Purchase: iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPad version (99 cents) | Lite iPhone Version (Free)

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Bargain iPhone and iPad Apps for July 4th!

July 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Freebies, Games, Reviews

I want to wish you a very Happy July 4th! Why not celebrate with a load of new apps on your devices? I’ve rounded up some of the best bargains this weekend has to offer. But hurry, these deals may not last long after the fireworks show!

Pac-Man Apps – This year marks Pac-Man’s 30th Year anniversary! There’s an explosion of iPhone and iPad apps available that starts our favorite arcade character, Pac-Man. Apps have all dropped to 99 cents for just this weekend, so grab them while you can!
Pac-Man – iPhone | Ms. Pac-man – iPhone | Pac-Man Championship Edition – iPhone | Pac-Man for iPad | Pac-Match Party – iPhone | Pac-Match Party HD – iPad

Mr. Space – This game is simple yet so addicting! The ceiling comes down on Mr. Space and you must lead him to safety. There are small space that he can go to be safe. So how many levels you can get through without getting swished! Each game consists of 3 lives. Try it out, it’s free this weekend! iPhone Version (Free)

Oregon Trail – for the older Mac users, this game will bring back a lot of nostalgic feelings. Now head westward in a fully colored and animated version of the game! Take a historical adventure and make critical decisions to make it safely to the West. This game is normally $4.99 but is on sale for a limited time for 99 cents iPhone Version (99 cents)

WolframAlpha – Love information? Now you can access expert knowledge no matter where you are. Computer solutions to difficult math problems, balance complex chemical equations, get help with a crossword puzzle, and much much more. This app was at one time selling for $49.99 and is on sale for just 99 cents this week. It’s universal, so you’ll be able to use it on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Universal App (99 cents)

Skobbler – Want turn-by-turn navigation without the high costs? Check out Skobbler! Set your destination and let it guide you there. Note, this is a free app so don’t expect too much. It can guide you to your destination, but the UI may still need a lot of work. Absolutely worth the download! iPhone Version (Free)

GodFinger – originally a game for the iPad only, you can now play it on the iPhone and iPod Touch! Create and shape your very own planet! Take care of your followers and they’ll farm gold for you. Play God with just the flick of your finger. Requires a Plus+ network login (free) and the game is absolutely free. There are options to purchase extra gold and awe (game’s money) if you like, but not required iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free) | iPad Version (Free)

Farmville – for those of you who are already addicted to Farmville on Facebook, you’ll be happy to know that it’s now available for the iPhone. Take your farm with you wherever you go! The game does lag during startup and the graphics needs work, but if you’re an addict, go for it. Facebook account is required. iPhone version has a special limited edition Snow Leopard (but it’s really expensive.) Note: iPhone gifts and invites to friends are not working properly. You may want to gift and invite via Facebook version instead. iPhone Version (Free)

HoloToy – While you’re waiting for the new Nintendo 3DS to come out, get a taste of the 3D effect on your iPhone or iPad! HoloToy a series of 3D games you can play on your iDevice. Believe me, it’s not like anything you’ve seen in the app store before. New games are added frequently and best of all, it’s only 99 cents! Universal App (99 cents)

PingChat! 2 – Don’t have a SMS plan? Use PingChat and send messages to your iPhone friends for free! This new version allows you to send multimedia files such as photos and videos, just like MMS. Push notifications will alert you of new messages. Very similar to SMS but without the extra costs! iPhone Version (Free)

Farm Frenzy 2 – You get to play a farmer and grow grass, feed chickens, collect eggs and take your produce to market in this fast action game! Each level has a goal you need to reach. Normally $2.99, it’s on sale this weekend only for 99 cents! iPhone Version (99 cents) | iPhone Version Lite (Free)

Scrabble Play Scrabble with your Facebook friends on the go! You can have up to 4 people per game. There are many modes of game play: Quick Play (against the computer, pass and play, or solo), via Facebook friends, and via Wi-fi (need another friend with the Scrabble app on their phone). Normally $4.99, the app is on sale for $1.99. iPhone Version ($1.99)

Tap Resort – Create your own resort island! Build shops, beach hotels, and more to attract tourists. Earn money when your tourists are happy, which in turn you can purchase more buildings and decorations for your islands. The graphics and sounds are adorable. Collect money and level up to create more resorts on other islands. It’s a nice game to get lost in when you’re not lying on the beach yourself. Best of all, it’s free! iPhone Version (Free)

Redlaser – whether you work in a supermarket or not, you’ll find this app to be a lot of fun! Scan barcodes to find where you can purchase that item for the lowest price and email even yourself that list. The scanning ability on this app is super fast and does not have to be in focus for it to recognize the code. Go comparison shopping now! iPhone Version (Free)

Chicktionary by Bing – Normally $1.99 for the iPhone, Bing is offering this app for free! The catch is to download the Bing app and do a search on it to unlock all the puzzle. Not a big price to pay for a fun word game. The object is to make as many words as you can with the letters on the hens. The funny animation and sounds make you feel like you’re on Old McDonald’s farm. iPhone Version (Free)

TripDeck – Planning a vacation? Let TripDeck help you organize it. Store your flights, car rental info, contact numbers, notes, and more in this beautiful app. Easily email your trip itinerary to friend and family right from the app. Tracking live flight status does require a $4.99 upgrade. Syncing with TripIT is also available. iPhone Version (Free)

Spinzizzle – If you love Press OK’s game graphics, you’ll love this game as well. The object is to spin disks to make balls fall into particular slows. Collect as many balls as you can of the same color to rack up a high score. Beautiful graphics and animations, and relaxing music. Normally $1.99, but on sale this weekend. iPhone Version (Free)

Hulu+ – Watch your favorite Hulu shows right on your iPhone. To watch newer shows, a $9.99 subscription is required; currently invite only. But this app works great if you want to watch some of the older shows on the go. Wifi or data connection is required. Universal App (Free)

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FixPix Comes to the iPhone!

June 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, Reviews

eBoy’s FixPix is now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch! It uses a combination of beautiful artwork, puzzle solving skills, 3d effects, and the phone’s accelerometer to create a one-of-a-kind game that keep your mind boggled.

Tilt the phone to align the artwork correctly to move onto the next level. There are 100 individual levels total; many with 3f effects. Some are layered compositions or slice madness! Be sure to check out this very unique game.

You can now purchase Fix Pix for $1.99 USD in the iTunes app store. For more information, see their official website at

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iPhone + iPad App Review: Glee

May 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews

Smule has done it again with another hit musical app! They teamed up with Fox and made the lovely Glee app — a must-have app for every Gleek! Get your Gleek on and have fun singing with your favorite Glee cast members and friends!

Glee is a universal app (works with iPod Touches, iPhones, and iPads) that allows you to sing your favorite Glee songs with real-time harmonies and pitch correction. The four main features of the app are: Listen, Join, Sing, and Share.

Listen. As your fellow gleeks broadcast their songs, you’re able to listen to the amazing talents around the world. This is a signature feature in most Smule apps.

Join. Want to do a duet with a friend? “Join” in on a song you hear and add your voice to it! You can also create a club by adding Smule friends as singers to your songs or by joining a song on the Glee Globe.

There’s also song requests from the Gleeks inviting you to sing with them! You can sing with Rachel Berry or Finn Hudson. They’ll sing one part, and you’ll sing the other. When the song is done, it’ll be uploaded automatically to the server.

Sing. The main part of the app is definitely singing! Three songs are available when your purchase the app: Rehab, Keep Me Hanging On, and Somebody to Love. New songs are added every week and costs $0.99 each. To purchase a new song, simply click on it and confirm. The song and lyrics will download afterward.

Sing loudly and clearly into the mic of your device. If you are using an iPad, the mic is located on the top, next to the headphone jack. I recommend using your iPhone headset since the mic would be closer to your mouth and the background noise will be canceled out.

Simply pick a song and hit “start” for the recording to begin. While recording, you have the option to toggle on/off the pitch correction and the harmonies. Make your selections and sing your heart out! You can save or discard the recording at anytime. If you finish the whole song, it will automatically save into your library.

In the latest version of the app, you can also sing songs from your iTunes library. Select a song from your collection and start recording. For the best experience, I suggest selecting a karaoke version of the song or one you can sing a duet with. Keep in mind, iTunes song will not be broadcast or shared due to licensing restrictions.

Share. When you’re done recording, your files are saved in the “Share” box. There are three options on how you can share your song — share, broadcast, and add singers. No matter which option you pick, they all will upload your song to the server, so you’ll need to be connected to the internet.

  • Share will allow you to email, Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace your link.
  • Broadcast will upload it to the server and add you to the musical globe.
  • Add singers will share your song with another Smule member so they can add their voice to it.

Here are some tips on how to make the Glee app experience more enjoyable:

Before you start using the app, turn off all notifications on your device. That way, you won’t get interrupted while recording a song.

Also, if you’re using pitch correction, be sure to sing on the same note. If you vary from high to low notes, it may sound a bit strange when the app tries to correct it. You may want to practice with pitch on and off to see which sounds better.

Lastly, when you’re listening to others sing, keep in mind some songs will sound better than others. I suggest selecting “Top Performances” from the top menu to hear the cream of the crop. These performances usually have a lot of Gleek followers.

This app is designed to be played in portrait mode on either the iPhone or iPad. It’s nicely designed and every page in the app displays a colorful photo of your favorite glee character. Overall, the app is worth the 99 cents, but believe me, if you’re a true Gleek, you’ll find yourself spending a lot more on in-app purchases! New songs are added every week so check back frequently.

The Glee app is currently on sale today for just 99 cents (originally $2.99). You can purchase it in the iTunes app store.

For more information, see their official website.

Video Demo

Just watch Nick, a Smule employee, demonstrate the app. It’s just all in a night’s work at the Smule headquarters!

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Top Bargain iPhone and iPad Apps

May 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews

Here is a list of this week’s top bargain iPhone and iPad apps! Hope you find something you enjoy!

DizzyPad HD – has finally come to the iPad and it has gotten even more challenging! Help guide your little frog across the pond by leaping on moving lillypads. Watch out for the water! In the classic mode, the lillypads are spinning is circles. This brand new iPad version also has three extra modes available as in-app purchases – sliders, memory, and two-player battle. iPhone/iPod Touch ($1.99) | iPad-Only (Free)

Super Juicy HD – love popping bubbles? How about beautiful colorful ones with special powers inside of them? This game will have you tapping matching colors of bubbles to rack up your score. There is some physics involved, so tilt and turn your iPad to make more matches!
Lite for iPhone/iPod Touch (Free) | iPhone/iPod Touch Version ($0.99) | iPad-Only ($0.99)

iHTMLPlus – If you’re a developer and need a way to view the source code of a webpage, this app is for you. It splits the screen into two — one for the code, and one for the website. You can scroll and move either side. A very simple app but definitely worth getting. iHTMLPlus is compatible with the iPad only and is available in the app store for Free.
iPhone/iPod Touch Version (Free) | iPad-Only Version (Free)

WarChess – Love chess? Then you got to play WarChess! Not only do pawns and knights move on the board, but they also physically attack the other side. This app requires an internet connection and you’ll be battling someone online at random. WarChess is available in the app store for Free! iPad-Only (Free)

Photopad by Zagg is a great image editor app for the iPad. Crop, draw, paint, rotate, scale and add various filters to your images. It’s very convenient to make quick edits to your photos and images. Photopad is available in the app store for free!
iPad-Only version (Free).

Aqua Forest 2 – Morning Dew is a beautiful puzzle game where you to collect the morning dew from plants into small containers. The water droplets will fall from leaves and you have to tilt the device capture it in the container. Your score is based on how much of the water you capture in each stage. The app is regularly $4.99, but is on sale for free!
iPhone / iPod Touch Version (Free for limited time)

BoardBox – love board games like checkers, chess, reversi, go, backgammon, tic-tac-toe, chinese chess, and other variants of these games? Now you can get it all in one app! It’s currently on sale for just 99 cents when it’s normally $4.99.
iPad-Only ($0.99)

We Rule Red is the version of We Rule with 10 free bottles of mojos. Use the mojo to help make your plants grow faster, or shops be more productive. I suggest downloading this even if you only play We Rule on the iPad. The extra 10 bottles of mojo will help!
iPhone / iPod Touch Version (Free)

Tap Tap Revenge 3 Boost – Tap Tap your way to the top of the charts! This app is the same as the original Tap Tap Revenge 3 except your account is credited with 5000 coins, 25 credits, and a special avatar item.
iPhone / iPod Touch Version (Free)

iPad User Guide is available for free in the iBooks store. To download it, launch your iBooks app. It should be featured at the bottom right. This manual will let you get to know your iPad better. If you don’t have iBooks yet, download it for free (for the iPad) and then search for iPad User Guide in the app!

iTimeLapse Pro – this app allows you to capture and edit time lapse videos right on your iPhone! Very simple to use and you can add minor effects to it as well. It’s normally $2.99 but is on sale this weekend only for Free!
iPhone Version (Free)

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This Week’s Bargain iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad Apps!

April 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews

Saving money is important but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your devices! Here’s a roundup of this week’s best bargain apps for your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad!

Cocoto Kart HD Online – if you enjoy car racing games, here’s a great game that you can get for a bargain! Originally $4.99, Cocoto Kart HD Online (for the iPad) has dropped down to 99 cents this week. Race go-go carts with people online and earn your trophies. There are always races ready, so no waiting for players. It’s a definitely bargain, but get it before the price goes up again! (iPad Version for 99 cents)

Soosiz HD Lite – rescue the Soosiz! Their planet got destroyed by an evil monster. Help the Soosiz find all of his family members across the galaxy and battle the evil-doers along the way. Jump, hope, and run and watch your world turn upside down. Enjoy a few free levels in the lite version. If you like it, consider purchasing the full version for just $1.99 (Originally $4.99). (Free iPad version | Full iPad Version for $1.99 | iPhone Version for $1.99 | Free iPhone Version )

Words with Friends – this game is a bit on the pricier side but I can tell you it’s worth it. If you enjoyed Words with Friends on the iPhone, you have to see it on the iPad. You can see the entire game board on the iPad screen and chat with your buddies easily on it as well. Challenge your friends and expand your vocabulary! Also see our full review here.
(iPad Version for $2.99 | iPhone Version for $2.99 | Free iPhone Version )

Glee – Who doesn’t want to sing with their favorite Glee cast member? The app comes with 3 premium tracks to sing to — “Rehab”, “Somebody to Love”, and “You Keep Me Holding On”. Originally $2.99, the app is currently on sale for 99 cents, but only for a limited time. Additional songs can be purchased in the app for just 99 cents. (iPhone/iPad Version for 99 cents)

Bananagrams – Love word puzzles games? Get this little gem! It’s fun to play and fun to say! You’re given a set of letter tiles. Connect the tiles to form words. Race against the clock and make as many words as you can. It’s on sale for just 99 cents, originally was $4.99! Made for the iPhone, but it looks great on the iPad as well. (iPhone Version for 99 cents)

Doodle Jump – a must have for any iPhone/iPod Touch user. Tilt your device left and right to help guide the doodle jumper as high as you can! Jump on boards, springs, and grab a jet pack to jump as high as you can. It’s updated weekly, adding new themes and levels. Voted one of the best games in the iTunes store, and is only 99 cents. Free lite version is also available with plenty of levels to test out. (iPhone Version for 99 cents)

Finger Physics – if you enjoy puzzle and physic-based games, this one is a must. Very cute and short games that are perfect for playing when standing in line. The latest version has a special guest appearance by the Doodle Jumper! Game is only 99 cents. (iPhone Version for 99 cents | Free iPhone Version)

Air Hockey Gold – is an adorable game for the iPhone/iPod touch, but even better when you see it on the iPad. It’s like taking the air hockey arcade game and putting it right in your device. Play against the computer or even an opponent right on your phone or iPad. It’s fun and addictive, and will surely bring smiles to everyone’s faces. This is available for free (with minimal ads) or only 99 cents without ads. (iPad/iPhone Version for 99 cents | Free iPad/iPhone Version)

Chicktionary – unscrabble a set of letters and make as many words as you can. Instead of tiles, the letters are etched in front of hens! Spell correct words and the chickens will bawk. Spell made-up words and they’ll squeal! It’s a fun game that you must get for your iPad. Best of all, the HD version is free! For iPhone/iPod Touch users, the app is $1.99.
(Free iPad Version | iPhone Version for $1.99 | Free iPhone Version)

Babo Crash HD – if you love match-3 jewel games, this is a must-have! It’s like like Bejewled on steroids! There’s so much action going on and my favorite part is being able to change the direction of gravity. Tilt and turn the iPad/iPhone to get pieces to fall in certain places. The app is universal, making it beautiful on the iPad or iPhone. Get it now before they realize they should charge more than 99 cents. ;) (iPad/iPhone Version for 99 cents)

Enjoy! Let me know what your favorite bargain apps are!

This article was originally published in Beatweek Magazine.

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5 iPhone Apps to Celebrate Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! This should be an occasion to celebrate everyday and you can use the following iPhone/iPod Touch apps to do just that! Love Mother Nature and you’ll be surprised at how much she’ll love you back.

.The Power of Green by Con Edison Here’s a beautifully made app that has great tips on how to save money in your home and office while going green! Tips include Weatherization, Heating, Cooling, Water Heating, Lighting, and Appliances. Included are 101 flashcard tips, 6 videos, and a checklist for you to keep your updates.

.21st Office This app tests if you’re working in the 20th or 21st century! It asks you a series of questions in topics of Commuting, Business Meetings, and Reading. Then it examines your working habits and gives you a summary on what currently do, and how you can improve. There’s also a lot of great tips added by the community.

.GoodGuide is an app that helps you find safe, healthy, and sustainable products while you shop. How does it work? Simply scan the barcode of the item with your phone and the product’s details will display. These details include ratings for health, environment, and their social responsibility.

.The Lorax – Dr. Seuss is a wonderful ebook that’s perfect for Earth Day! It’s about a character who cuts down all the trees in the forest to make clothes. The Lorax warns him that his actions are hurting everyone, but he doesn’t listen. There’s a great moral to the story that will certainly engage young minds to help Mother Nature more. It’s a great story with beautiful animations and a narrator who reads to you!

.iRecycle an excellent app to find your nearest recycling centers and green events. Simply type in the item you want to recycle and it will find the nearest location that would accept it. Links to green tips and articles from can also be reached within the app.

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iPad/iPhone App Review: Words With Friends

April 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad, Reviews, Software and Web Apps

If you enjoy word games like Scrabble and Boggle, then you’ll love Words with Friends. One of the first games to be released on the iPad App store launch day, it has become a popular hit among iPhone, iPod Touch, and now iPad users.

The object of the game is to make as many words as you can with the 7 tiles given to you. Each game is between two players, where each player takes turns creating words by putting their tiles on the board. The board is filled with bonus spots — Double Letter, Triple Letter, Double Word, and Triple Word, so be careful where you put your words! Play all 7 of your tiles in one move and you get an extra 35 point bonus. Get the most points at the end of the game and you win!

This is a causal game that goes back and forth between the two players. There is no time limit for a move and you are notified via push notifications when it’s your turn. A great feature in the game is the chat window, where you can talk to your opponent in an sms-like window.

Like with most games, there are some improvements that can be made. One would be to increase the amount of games you can have queued up. Players do not need to respond to moves right away, which can be good and bad. It’s good because there’s no pressure on either players. It’s bad because players may forget about the game and not respond for a few days, weeks, and longer. This wouldn’t matter too much except that you can only have 20 games going on simultaneously. So if you want to play with more active people, you may need to resign some of the games. By resigning, you also lose that match.

Another improvement that needs to be made is the speed of the server’s response. When you submit a move or update your games, the data takes a while to transfer. I believe it depends on how many transactions are made, which can vary at different times of the day.

Also, there’s currently no built-in dictionary in the game. But players can arrange their tiles on the board and when they think they have a word, hit submit. The move will be made if it is a word, and will alert an error message if it is not.

Overall, this game is highly addictive and so much fun to play. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends and build your vocabulary while you’re at it! Try the free version for the iPhone/iPod touch and see how hooked you get!

The various versions are compatible with one another so you can play Words with Friends with your friends, no matter which versions they’re using. The difference between the HD version and the iPhone/iPod Touch version is that the board fills up the entire screen and the chat and menu panels appear as layers over the board game. In the iPhone/iPod Touch version, a new screen shows up for each task. The free version is optimized for the iPhone/iPod Touch and has ads on top of the board and a bigger ad once you make a move.

Words with Friends for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad versions are linked below:

If you want to play sometime, my username is ‘daynah.’ :)

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Get Glee on your iPhone and iPad!

April 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad

To my fellow Gleeks,

You can now sing your heart out with your favorite Glee cast member right on your iPhone or iPad! Smule has done it again, making another hit app that topped the charts right on launch day!

Can’t sing? Not to worry! With the new Smule technology in the app, your voice will be enhanced and the pitch will be corrected as you are singing! The app will also harmonize your voice in real-time, creating a second, third, and even fourth voice!

Just watch Nick, a Smule employee, demonstrate the app. It’s just all in a night’s work at the Smule headquarters!

The Glee app is currently on sale today for just 99 cents today (originally $2.99). It comes with 3 songs and other songs are in-app purchases for 99 cents each. You can purchase it in the iTunes app store.

For more information, see their official website.

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Dr. Seuss Lorax comes to the iPhone/iPad!

April 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Games, iPad

Earth Day is April 22nd and what better way to celebrate than with Dr. Seuss’ Lorax Garden? Oceanhouse Media has done it again, making three Dr. Seuss apps available for the celebration.

Oceanhouse Media’s Dr. Seuss eBook apps are universal, making them beautiful on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad! And the best part is, you only need to purchase them once and you can enjoy them on any of your devices.

The new Dr. Seuss apps are:

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