How To Add QR Codes To III Library Catalogs

October 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Adding QR Codes to your Innovative Interfaces Library Catalog is pretty easy! Just follow the steps below. Note, you should be familiar with your III HTML files before attempting to make these changes. If not, contact your Systems Admin. I also recommend testing on your test-webport first.

  1. Backup two files in your /screens directory — wwwoptions and bib_display.html, then download to your computer (via FTP)
  2. In wwwoptions, look for ICON_RECORDLINK and change it to:


    where YOUR_LIBRARY_WEBSITE is the URL of your Library Catalog. %s will dynamically display the unique record id.

  3. In bib_display.html, add in:

    <img src="
    " />

    to where you want the QR code displayed. Be sure to put the recordlink token on it’s own separate line and aligned to the left.

  4. Upload both files back into your /screens folder and reboot the webports.
  5. Do a keyword search in your Library Catalog and find a record. You should see your QR code somewhere on the record display. (See image below)
  6. Take your mobile device and scan the QR code (using a barcode app). It should take you directly to the page with the catalog. This makes it easier for patrons to search for something on a desktop computer, scan it, and capture that data on their mobile devices to take to a librarian.

Recommended QR Scanner Apps

If you need a QR scanner for your mobile device, here are some I recommend. Download the appropriate one.

Further Reading

For further reading and more advanced QR techniques, read about it on Google Code.

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July 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Social Networking

shelfariShelfari has been one of my favorite websites in the past few months. I’m so thankful that my friend Mike invited me. It’s another book social network, but what makes this one different is the amazing user interface. I absolutely love seeing the book covers on an actual shelf. Adding books, reviews, and discussions are quite easy as well. Join the community so we can recommend books to each other. ;)

Here are some IT-related books that I read/want to read:

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

I enjoy reading books with topics in sci-fi, fantasy, technology, social media, library 2.0, and scrapbooking. Come join me on Shelfari. I’m also on GoodReads and LibraryThing if you prefer those book social networks.

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iPhone App Review: Kindle for iPhone

June 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Reviews, Tips and Tutorials


Name: Kindle for iPhone (iTunes Link)
Written By:
Category: Books
Price: Free
Size: 3.9 MB
Requirements: iPhone / iPod Touch
Version: 1.1
Rate: 4.5 Stars

Do you enjoy reading books? Well now you can on your iPhone! If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, download and install the Kindle iPhone app. Once it’s installed, click on the little (i) on the lower right, then click on “Register this device.” Log in with your Amazon account, then click “Register.”


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Libraries after an Earthquake

July 29, 2008 by  
Filed under Social Networking

A surprising thing happened at work today. We were hit by a semi-big earthquake earlier in the morning. I know I should be use to earthquakes by now, but this one was hard and kept rolling! It must have been the longest 20 seconds of my life.

But not to worry. The SERVERS are all alright! ;)

My first reaction was to duck and cover under my desk. When the rolling stopped, I tweeted. Yes I know. How geeky huh? Hey, twitter gets you the news as it happens! I was a quite shaken up. I then noticed a flood of tweets about the earthquake, one being iJustine, who just happened to be in LA, and feeling an earthquake for the very first time. Us Californians really know how to welcome someone!

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I Met a Robot!

July 1, 2008 by  
Filed under Geek Fun & Humor, Multimedia

I went to the American Library Association Conference this weekend and had a great time. It was held in Anaheim, CA this year, so definitely close. I was walking down the exhibit halls, and this robot from was the most interesting thing I saw. He was hilarious! Just watch!

Some other vendors that we talked to were: TracSystems (our current printing system), Demco (library furniture), and Innovative Interfaces (software for our online catalog).

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April 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Geek Fun & Humor

Happy National Library Week everyone! To celebrate, the Preservation Dept. at my workplace held the 2nd Annual “Edible Book Contest.” The rules were simple:

“Submit an edible creation of an information storage medium (e.g. book, CD, video tape, etc.) or even your favorite character from a particular text. And the creation must be completely edible.”

There was one very geeky entry that I was intrigued with… My friend Carla R. brought down a box of cupcakes with white frosting on them. One was decorated with a strawberry, but the rest were just plain.

I found out later that they were WikiCupcakes!

What is a Wiki?

A wiki is software that allows registered users or anyone to collaboratively create, edit, link, and organize the content of a website, usually for reference material. -WikiPedia

So… what are WikiCupcakes? They’re cupcakes that a group of users can collaboratively decorate! How clever is that? She brought two cans of frosting, and users got to decorate the cupcakes, and put their names down on a piece of paper as they did. You know, they’re Wiki References! Too clever!

The Judges (2 Librarians and a Cataloger) gave Carla 1st place for Originality! Congrats Carla!

Wiki Cupcake

Wiki Cupcake

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