MMS on the iPhone!

AT&T in the US finally made iphone-mmsMMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) on the iPhone today. Yes, finally. Now you don’t have to use my MMS on iPhone workaround anymore. However, if you don’t have an unlimited sms and mms data plan, you may still want to use the workaround to save you money. Otherwise, just use the more simpler way.

So how do you get it on your phone? Here are the steps:

  1. Plug you iPhone 3G/3GS into iTunes
  2. Select you iPhone and click on “Check for Update”
  3. It will ask you to download a new carrier file. Select Download and install.
  4. Now restart your phone.

To test it out..

  1. Click on the “Photos” app.
  2. Select a photo
  3. In the lower left corner, click on the arrow
  4. You should now have a new choice — MMS
  5. Click on MMS and the photo will be inserted into a new MMS
  6. Click on the + button and select a contact to send it to.
  7. Click on “Send”

And that’s it! Congrats, you just sent your first MMS on your iPhone. Welcome to 2002. :)

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