Linking on Plurk

June 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

A lot of people have asked me how to link text on Plurk.  It’s kind of hard to show you how to on Plurk itself, so I thought writing a post about it would be more helpful. ;)

In the above image, you can see that all you have to do is type your link first, and then put the words you want it to link to in parentheses.

I found this out by accident while typing something.. and have been using this trick ever since.  Now you can too. ;)  Enjoy your Plurk Tip of the day!

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June 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Links and Resources

I signed up for a new website yesterday called Plurk. My first thought when I tried it out was this is posting 140 characters Twitter posts, on a Dipity Timeline, with responses like Pownce! It certainly does take a bit of getting use to, but highly fun! I recommend signing up and trying it. It might just be the next big thing in microblogging. ;)

I tend to post quirky and random stuff here because it’s fun. :) The only thing I don’t like about Plurk right now is the logo of the headless animal. But that image is talked about so much, that I’m starting to think they did the right thing!

Be sure to follow safe plurking habits! Don’t plurk to strangers! :) But looks like the only rule I followed was #10 — have fun!

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