First Look at Google Instant
Talk about instant! Google just rolled out Google Instant this morning. Now search results display as you type, bringing you results much faster.
To see it in action, go to and start typing. The search box then turns into the results page. And as you keep typing, the search results change, bringing you a step closer to what you were looking for. It’s pretty nifty! Note: not all users have this option available yet. It may take a few days before everyone sees the new feature.
Google Instant is a new search enhancement that shows results as you type. We are pushing the limits of our technology and infrastructure to help you get better search results, faster. Our key technical insight was that people type slowly, but read quickly, typically taking 300 milliseconds between keystrokes, but only 30 milliseconds (a tenth of the time!) to glance at another part of the page. This means that you can scan a results page while you type. (
Introducing Google Instant Video
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June 9, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Daily Ramblings
Have you tried Viewzi yet? It’s amazing way to surf the internet. You can even customize how you want to see your results. If you’re a visual person, you will love the search result customization!
Here’s my “Geek Brief” search in the Celebrity Photo View:
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Google Shell
June 5, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Google, Links and Resources
I love using Goosh, the unofficial Google shell. It brings back the old days of unix shell command lines. Just enter your Google search on the command line and hit enter!
Below you can see that I did a search for “Affinity Zero” and my results are displayed on the screen.
Thanks Emily Chang for finding this tool! And Max Kiesler has a great demo you can watch.
Source: Stefan Grothkopp
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Next Generation Melvyl
Today, the UC Libraries have launched a pilot version of our Melvyl Catalog. This pilot is a single user interface that queries holdings from all UC Libraries, libraries from around the world, and UC books digitalized by Google. For more information, check out this video generously created by UC Merced Library (our newest addition to the UC family!)
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Search Me
May 10, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Links and Resources
Try out this new search engine called where you can visually see your search results! Hover over the webpages, and you can see more details about the website. And finally, to open the website, right click and select “open in a new window.” Tell me how you like it.
Thanks for the link Tano!