Facebook Privacy Settings

August 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Tips and Tutorials

Before you start adding too much data into your Facebook profile, you may want to change your privacy settings to allow only certain groups of people to view your content. This is a good idea if you have friends, family, and business contacts in your Facebook account.

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What is RSS?

March 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Links and Resources, Tips and Tutorials

I have a colleague who’s trying to understand the concept of RSS. I helped him set up a blog for his newsletter a while ago, and his supervisor wanted him to add RSS to it.

I explained RSS to him a few times, and I think he got it. But a visual explanation never hurts! This is a lovely video from Common Craft does very well in explaining RSS in simple English.

Thank you Geek Brief TV for the resource!

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