Aloha Viddler

October 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Daily Ramblings

Just wanted to thank Viddler for hosting my Hawaii vacation videos!

Aloha Viddler

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New Media Expo 2008

August 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Geek Get-Togethers

I’m going to the New Media Expo next week! Are you?!

This Expo is a hands-on, exciting, “how-to” event with practical conference sessions about how to produce high-quality online audio and video content, grow a loyal audience, and even make a few bucks with your content in creative ways.

I’m super excited! Recently I’ve been learning how to create and edit videos, but there’s still always a lot more to learn!

Rob and Colin have put together this great video about the expo. Take a look!

There’s also a FatBurget TweetUp on Friday night if you’re interested, as well as many other events!

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