Featured Game Reviews

One of the hottest social games right now has got to be Draw Something by OMGPOP....

Start the Fall season right with some new bargain apps for your iPhone and iPad! Band...

Looking for new apps for your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad? Here are some of end...

For those of you who have Labor Day off, I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!...

Looking for new apps for your iPhone and iPad? Here’s my weekly round-up...
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Already own an Apple Smart Cover for your iPad 2? One of the best complement for...

Why hide the beauty of your iPad behind a case? Instead enhance with the Grablet!...

Slick and beautiful, the Architect Stylus may have been created from a minimalist’s...

Enjoy some peace of mind with the new iZon Remote Room Monitor. It’s small,...

Add a little comfort in your use of the iPad (or other tablets) with an ePillow....
Read More Posts About Gadgets and AccessoriesFeatured People and Interviews

Cali Lewis recently launched new show and company called GeekBeat.TV. I’m excited to announce that I’ll be working with her and her amazing team! The GeekBeat.TV team is a wonderful group of people and I’m thrilled to be part of it! See GeekBeat.TV/15 as she introduces all of us! document.getElementById("post-6433-blankimage").onload(); Read More →

It was such an honor to be interviewed by the lovely Traci Toguchi at the It Won’t Stay in Vegas CES Party. We met earlier this year in Hawaii at the [re]think: Hawaii conference! It’s always nice running into her at these geek events. ;) The original blog post by Chris Pirillo made me blush! Thanks so much for the kind words. I do have... [Read more of this review]

Yesterday, Leo Laporte mentioned that fan video archives were on Odtv.me, so I searched and found my clip! Here is a short clip of the Google Wave demo that I did with Leo Laporte on Twit.TV on June 3rd, 2009. Thanks for archiving this ODTV! In the demo, I showed Leo how to navigate around in Google Wave. Note, I only had the account for about two hours... [Read more of this review]

I sent some “twestions” for Global Townhall to ask Natali Del Conte, and they were picked for her interview! She’s one of my favorite geek girls and I love watching her on Loaded. You can read the interview below: Natali Del Conte is the tech savvy, sweet as apple pie, gorgeous correspondent for The CBS Early Show, WCBS, host of “Loaded”... [Read more of this review]

Felicia Day was on the road to stardom shortly after she moved to Los Angeles. She landed roles in TV series like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “House,” and “Dollhouse.” She also starred in web series like “The Legend of Neil” and the Emmy-winning “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” But... [Read more of this review]
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Facebook announced their new Timeline earlier this morning and it looks beautiful! It’s definitely a new way of expressing yourself. Profile pages will now have some more personality! The feature won’t be available for everyone until later this month, but if you’re too anxious to try it out, follow these steps on TechCrunch to turn... [Read more of this review]

I’m so excited about attending Google I/O 2011! Getting tickets to the attend the conference was difficult this year, so I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to go. I can’t tell you how many times I hit refresh in my browser, hoping my registration went through! I’ll be attending most of the Chrome sessions at the conference.... [Read more of this review]

Ever wanted a way to catalog your favorite things? Whether it be books, movies, inspirational pieces, fashion, or your precious hobbies, Pinterest may just be what you’re looking for! Catalog all the things you love in a beautiful and visual way. You’ll love this new site call Pinterest! Read more about it on WebBeat.TV Follow me on Pinterest. Related... [Read more of this review]

Love music? Get $3 in MP3s from Amazon! Simply put in the code GET3MP3S into this page to redeem. This offer is only valid until Nov. 29th, 2010 11:59pm PST, so hurry! Happy Thanksgiving! More Deals: Black Friday Deals in Movies and TV Black Friday Deals Harry Potter Years 1-6 Giftset [Blu-ray] Related Products: document.getElementById("post-8550-blankimage").onload(); Read More →

If you ever need a reason to purchase an iPad, here is a great one. Artist David Kassan demonstrates how to finger paint on the iPad using the Brushes app. It’s an amazing video that only shows one of many creative ways what an iPad can be used for. Watch and you’ll see! Download: Brushes for the iPhone ($4.99) | Brushes for the iPad ($7.99) Davidkassan.com... [Read more of this review]

Here’s a list of FREE upcoming Tech Webinars that you may be interested in signing up for: Combining Photos and Vectors in Photoshop Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 10 PT Audience: Designers Learn how to easily combine illustrations with photography in this super creative session. Glean the secret to importing vectors into your document so you can... [Read more of this review]

One thing I learned at Google I/O that I thought was fun and exciting was their new Google Font API. What does this mean? It means I don’t have to add text to images using Photoshop anymore. I can just add it directly to the HTML code as plain text and it’ll look beautiful on the page. This will (1) speed up page loads because text loads... [Read more of this review]

Another Google I/O has come and gone, and I had a fabulous and geeky time there. The great thing about Google I/O is that it’s geared toward developers, so the sessions are usually code-based or overviews of new APIs and developments over in Google HQ. Of all the things I learned about this year at the conference, the most exciting was learning... [Read more of this review]
Read More Posts From This CategoryFeatured Tutorials and Quick Tips

This took me a while to figure out, but I finally did it! So I thought I’d share the tip! First of all, you do need a Google+ account. 1) Go go to your Profile page on Google+ and click on Edit Profile (right side) 2) Under your Profile Photo is a link that says Change Photo, click on it. 3) Then upload, or find the photo of your choice in your... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

Adding QR Codes to your Innovative Interfaces Library Catalog is pretty easy! Just follow the steps below. Note, you should be familiar with your III HTML files before attempting to make these changes. If not, contact your Systems Admin. I also recommend testing on your test-webport first. Backup two files in your /screens directory — wwwoptions... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

With the introduction of Google Buzz last week and the many emails it introduced, I’ve been actively creating more and more filters to keep my inbox clean. I thought it’d make a nice tip in case your inbox is flooded as well. If you’re like me and signed up for newsletters, store ads, or other mailing lists, you may want to separate... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

This blog post is in response to a question someone at a University asked me: Question: I have set-up/configured our Facebook, Twitter, and Blog this week. We are in the process of posting content to each, but I was hoping you could go over a few things with me. Mainly, how to integrate the 3 so that we don’t have to constantly update all 3 sites?... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

I’m really enjoying Twitter Lists. I know there are a few services out there that do this already, but I like to keep my lists in one place on Twitter. Twitter Lists are currently in beta, and have been released to a few testers. Note: Some links in this post may only work if you have lists added to your account. Twitter Lists help you organize... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

Flickr, a popular photography website, just launched their “People in Photos” feature today. And I love how it works. You simply type in a person’s name and it’ll add them into the photo. If you click on the little icon next to their name, you can create a square around their faces to identify them. Here is a sample where I used... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

Yesterday, Leo Laporte mentioned that fan video archives were on Odtv.me, so I searched and found my clip! Here is a short clip of the Google Wave demo that I did with Leo Laporte on Twit.TV on June 3rd, 2009. Thanks for archiving this ODTV! In the demo, I showed Leo how to navigate around in Google Wave. Note, I only had the account for about two hours... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]

AT&T in the US finally made MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) on the iPhone today. Yes, finally. Now you don’t have to use my MMS on iPhone workaround anymore. However, if you don’t have an unlimited sms and mms data plan, you may still want to use the workaround to save you money. Otherwise, just use the more simpler way. So how do... [Read more of this tip/tutorial]
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