Firefox for Mobile Devices
November 16, 2009 by daynah
Filed under Links and Resources, Tech News
I’m really looking forward to trying out Firefox mobile when it’s released. Below is a video that highlights what Firefox mobile can do.
Swiping left and right to see the controls is a great idea since space is very limited. And the AwesomeBar sounds, well, awesome! I really like the idea of Weave Sync as well. This technology syncs your mobile, work desktop, home desktop, etc. for a seamless transition in web browsing. Location-Aware browsing sounds pretty amazing. It’s like having Yelp for topics you’re browsing on! Check out the video for more features.
Meet some of the members of the Mozilla Mobile Team as they give you a quick tour of the user interface and features of Firefox for mobile devices, including the Awesome Bar, Weave Sync, add-ons and tabbed browsing, to name a few.
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