Favorite iPhone Apps
April 21, 2009 by daynah
Filed under Apple, Daily Ramblings, Social Networking
A few days ago, I tweeted:
daynah: What are your favorite apps on the iPhone/iPod Touch? Name 3-5 and @daynah me. Thanks! :)
I wanted to find out what were your top iPhone/iPod Touch apps. If you don’t count Mail and Safari, my top 5 favorite iPhone/iPod Touch apps are Twitterfon, Brightkite, Dizzy Bee 2, Chop Sushi, and iHeartRadio. Ok, I’m sneaking one more in — Facebook because it makes poking people easy! Ha!
Thank you for all the great responses! I really appreciate it. I was gathering data for the next issue of iProng Magazine. Check out tomorrow’s issue for the top 100 iPhone Apps. Here are the responses I got:
pzomb: @daynah NIN:Access, Tweetie and Tap Tap Revolution 2
cloud79: @daynah Daylite, FlightControl, TapDial, Birdhouse, fourquare, Analytics
ctmagnus: @daynah Tweetie, Facebook, Evernote, Remember The Milk, NightCamera
claycarnill: @daynah tweetie, idracula, Tumblr, google, and scoops.
bilalnaseer: @daynah My 5 Fav. #iPhone #Applications are: ‘Pandora’, ‘USA Today’, ‘Beejive IM’, ‘Kindle’ & ‘Things’. Yours?
NctrnlBst: @daynah twitterfon, shazam, BrightKite, showtimes, remote.
Trakix: @daynah Twitterfon, FlightControl, Facebook, Leaf Trombone, Air Mouse
phraktyl: @daynah Scrabble and Tweetie are the two I use most. I’d use location-based apps, but iPod Touch doesn’t have GSP. :(
mia_sarx: @daynah evernote, chess with friends, to do list, stanza
jobber99: @daynah paid: scrabble, Oregon trail
jobber99: @daynah free: twitterfon, facebook, midomi
jobber99: @daynah jailbroken: cydia, cycorder, winterboard
allanxpress: @daynah twitterfon. cubes lits. tap tap. last.fm. tap defense. knots. enigmo. cube runner. dactyl. ahh so many lol
delta224: @daynah Tweetie, Facebook, Kanji Flip, Safari and Mail. ;D
loumacuser: @daynah linkedin. Twettie. Bloomburg
spamboy: @daynah iPhone apps: TwitterFon, Remember the Milk, RepairPal
core: @daynah: My favorite iPhone apps: #tweetie, #tumblr, #byline, #zenbe, #cambio, #inquisitor
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iPhone App: Cookie Bonus Solitaire
I was playing this game, Cookie Bonus Solitare, this morning and loved it. It’s an iphone/ipod touch Solitare game with a cookie twist. You’re also able to connect online and chat with other people playing the game. I’ve already finished level 1, here’s my score:
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iTunes App Updates
July 25, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Apple, Gadgets and Accessories
I was wondering what would happen if new versions of the iTunes Apps were available. And I found out my answer today. I was checking my iPod Touch and above the App Store icon, there was a number in red. I clicked on it and it showed me all the updated Apps for today. So I went ahead and logged into iTunes and re-downloaded the apps. Since I bought it previously (for free), I was able to download another version of it. I imagine this would be the same for paid apps too. Here are the screenshots.
Today I updated and synced new versions of PhoneSaber, Pandora Radio, and Facebook. If you installed these apps previously, you may want to update them as well.
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iTunes U on UC Campuses
July 23, 2008 by daynah
Filed under Apple, Multimedia
I went to a session on iTunes U the other day. Currently 3 of the UC campuses are on it. Davis and LA are still working with Apple on the roll out. So their iTunes pages are not currently listed or searchable. But you can get to them at the following links:
I wonder if UCR will be on iTunes U soon too. I would love to see that. And I know a lot of faculty and librarians are interested in it.